Craniofacial & Gustatory HH


Well-known member
Hello Everyone. I am a new member here on but have been reading all of your posts regarding HH for some time now. I have gained much knowledge here on the subject along with the of comfort in knowing that I am not alone. Thank you for that.

I too suffer from an extreme case of Hyperhidrosis...both Craniofacial HH (head and face) and Gustatory HH (smells & foods). 95% of all my sweating comes from the neck up while the rest of my body sweats normally. I think this has to be among the worst form of the disorder because there is absolutely no way to hide it. I am 45 male, my HH started in early teens and has gotten progressively worse as I have gotten older. Without warning I can go from normal-dry to looking like someone dumped a bucket over my head in a matter of minutes. My head, face and neck sweat to the point where my shirt immediately becomes soaked and I am dripping everywhere. To me this happens for for no reason at all but when it happens I want to run and disappear because it usually takes from 15 to 45 minutes to finally stop and I dry up.

Like so many others with HH, I avoid any physical activity in the public eye along with eating any foods public that are even mildly spicy. (Hell, even Heintz ketchup can set it off!) I have had an endless number of horrifying experiences in restaurants. Several times I became so embarrased that I told my wife to box up my meal as I went out to sit in the car. I still enjoy eating things like chilli, pizza and mexican food but only when I am home where I will wrap a towel around my neck and enjoy. However, I avoid many of my favorite foods like these in public because I know they are major triggers. I am fortunate that my wife and family are so understanding and accepting of me regardless. But that doesn't make me feel any better when it happens at the most embarrasing times in public or at work. In addition, very minor physical activity, stress, and humidity are also things that trigger a major HH episode for me.

I've tried extra strength Robinul Forte (oral glycopyrrolate). It helped a little but I felt like I had a 9-volt battery on my tongue and I lost sense of taste while taking them. So I did not refill the prescription. After visiting a dermatologist this week I asked to try the Secure Wipes (1.5% glycopyrrolate) in hopes that it will help me as much as it has helped some. The only bad part is that being here in the U.S. I can only order the Secure Wipes from Canada and they are pricey. Does anyone know of an equivalent topical glyco pad or solution available here in the U.S.? I do have a prescription if necessary.

In closing, I have considered the ETS surgery but the doctor I spoke to said that he wasn't sure if it would help my CF & G HH as much as it would help other HH in the body below the neck. Has anyone had my type of HH and have had the ETS surgery? If so, what were the results? I would only consider ETS as a last resort but only if I can get it covered by my insurance. I'm just afraid that it could actually make things worse as it has in some people.
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I have had to wait for months for surgery.

It's been postponed three time already, and maybe again

I know the NHS scheme in this country as the 18-week wait policy RTT (referral to treatment) because I've worked on several database reporting projects to spot cases where patients haven't been served appropriately

I'm not in a rush. I can wait indefinitely. My plan is to refuse treatment, while I expect the tactic and initiative is for their own benefit, not mine - their experience, practice, building a surgeons history will give them acclaim. I'v turned down very different surgery many times, but was talked into it after years, and it turned out to be a severely regretted worse result. I like the paragraph. The patient knows best

My op sounds slightly related... Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery & Orthodontics
Unrelated, but just one thing I'm sure about myself (no evidence) is that my taste buds must be very insensitive. I love the most extremely spicy food to enjoy any significant flavour, which most people find too strong to eat

Best luck with it - it's all you need. You can't do it yourself. You have to rely on others.


Well-known member
Hello, Welcome to the forum. I'm also somewhat new. I joined just a few months ago. I have found this site to be very therapeutic, and helpful. For so long I thought I was the only one suffering from this dumb disorder. I only found out 2 years ago (I'm 26) that what I have is an actual disorder and that many people suffer from it. I'm not as familiar with Craniofacial or Gustatory HH. I'm sure they are a pain. Its funny to think about sweating in other places other than where you are affected (mine is hands and feet) and anything else always seems better. But actually that is not the case because all types of HH are miserable in their own little miserable way ;). I too had tried Rubinul and I didn't have the results I was hoping for. It made me extemely dizzy and it didn't really help the sweating. I have also considered ETS but I'm unsure because I have heard so many mixed reviews. I just wish they would come up with something simple, and put an end to HH.


Well-known member
Hi Aries86. I certainly didn't mean to imply that any form of HH is better or worse. Those of us who suffer from this "dumb" disorder feel miserable regardless. What I meant is that when in public you really can't hide your face and head. Thats where all of my HH exists.

An example of this is when I have a full blown HH episode in a crowded restaurant I will often go to the restroom to splash cold water on my face and try to relax and towel off. On the way people are looking at me in a "WTF" kind of way. I guess I can't blame them because here I am in the middle of winter at Applebees and I look like I just stepped out of the shower. It would look odd in the summer much less when it's 20 degrees outside. It creates a horrifying feeling that can easily dampen an evening intended for fun and excitement. (pardon the pun).

In spite of it all, I am a healthy person with really no other health problems to speak of so I am fortunate in that regard. All I know is that I would never wish this on anyone else and the only people who can fully understand are those who live it.

Wish you the best. I usually do research once a year in hopes that they have come up with something new and promising. Don't ever give up hope!
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Well-known member
Oh, lol sorry if I gave you that impression. I didn't think you were implying that ;). I was implying that myself in the sense that I have a hard time relating to different types of HH and the unique struggles that they present (such as head, back, underarms, generalized), but I know that they are all equally miserable. I have often wished that my HH was in a different part of my body. I'm also an otherwise healthy person other than HH, also. I think that can make it seem all the more unfair sometimes.


Well-known member
Here is some interesting news for all HH sufferers in the U.S.:

Yesterday I contacted "" (an online Canadian Pharmacy) to inquire about and to order the Secure (topical glycopyrrolate) wipes and 1mg Advert (oral glyco same as Robinul) capsules. They were incredibly friendly and helpful. But here was my surprise...

If in the U.S. you do not need to get a prescription for the above items because they are sold over-the-counter in Canada. There is some information I wish I had known before making 2 expensive visits to a dermatologist to get a prescription. They didn't even ask me to fax them the prescription. Knowing this would have saved me about $200 at the doctors office.

After my first experience with I would highly recommend them. They asked me several questions and provided plenty of information regarding these medications. They are the only place to get the Secure wipes as they make them right there. They said to expect my order to arrive within 10 business days. Awesome!

One final note...if you are from the U.S. and intend to use your credit/debit card when ordering anything from our neighbors to the north I suggest you call your bank first. Apparently there is a lot of fraud coming from Canada so my bank declined the transaction and put my card on lockdown to where I could make no purchases at all. I called my bank and it was resolved.
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Well-known member
Update: I received my first order of 1.5% Secure Wipes and my 1mg Advert (Robinul) capsules this week. Friday morning (day one) after showering I applied the wipes to my face and neck and followed up with one Advert capsule at lunch time.

Results: On day one (Friday) I noticed a greatly reduced amount of facial sweating for more than 24 hours. For breakfast I had biscuits and gravy which always triggers an HH episode. It felt as if I was about to sweat but only a very small amount of sweat appeared on my forehead. I would call that more than 80% improvement! On day two (Saturday) I did not reapply or take an Advert capsule but still experienced reduced sweating throughout the day. YAY!!!! Also, no compensatory sweating elsewhere...yet.

Negative side effects: Dry mouth with a slight metallic taste and minor difficulty urinating the next morning. (A reasonable trade-off considering the favorable results.)

What a great feeling to be dry!!!


Well-known member
Hey that is fantastic....I will keep my fingers crossed that the improvements continue.....brilliant.
When my foot sweating is under control I feel a different person,I can walk around barefoot and wear sandals. Even sleep better as my feet aren't sticking to bed sheets and feel damp.
So pleased for you .


Well-known member
Hey thanks UK. I wish the same to you. It feels good to have some hope.

I just want to get my confidence back in going out to dinner and drinks with family and freinds without an HH episode in public. I want to feel normal and relaxed.