coping methods?


Active member
What are some methods that you use to help cope? It can be good or bad... :wink:

I just pretend that I'm really tired so that if I don't say anything to someone, I can just blame it on being tired. It's probably not the best thing I could do, but it works for me.
Well I have some bad ones, but I'd rather not say. I don't really know what I do, I guess I just live my life hoping that one day something will happen, because I'm not depressed or anything. It probably won't work very long!! :D


Active member
Does alcohol count?

I've actually used that "I'm tired" line too, but now I'm mostly (and this is a bad thing) avoiding putting myself in situations where there are large crowds of people. First it was just with people I wasn't originally comfortable with, but now I've started avoiding being introduced to new people altogether.


Well-known member
This is what I've been trying lately:
1. Breathe deeply and say a positive statement about areas you're having problems with, like "I am calm and peaceful" or "I always know what to say". Say one phrase for a while then switch. I try to do this before I fall asleep and when I wake up. This helps distract me from negative or sad thoughts.
2. Try to get 8 hours of sleep. Remove anything from your area that will disturb your sleep, even your favorite pet.
3. No caffeine.
4. Don't think. Just react. When you start to feel the anxious thoughts coming on - stop thinking and just do. The more you feed it the bigger it gets.
5. Sometimes you just need a drink ;)


Well-known member
Ive been doing this thing for a while where i "visualize" this person I want to be, an idealized version of myself, and then i ACT like her, like im in a movie. It's not very easy, and it's not terribly effective, but that's what I do.

That, and getting together with my good friend, Jack Daniels.


Active member
Those all sound like decent ways of coping, I may try some of them. The only thing I know I can't do is the "liquid courage". It makes me insanely sick, and I'm an emetophobic to make it worse. It really sucks... :cry:

Something else I like doing is to just treat everything like it's a dream. That way when something bad happens, it just sort of passes through me because I'm so detached. I know it's not too good for me, but it's one of the only ways I can escape.


Well-known member
I used to get drunk sometimes just to blot out the pain of my loneliness, but i'm pretty much teetotal because the last thing i want to happen is become an alcoholic, and i think that social anxiety sufferers are much more prone to addiction due to the need to be confident and relaxed.

I play my guitar, shoot my air rifle, drive my car like a loonatic, watch dvd's, listen to music, and i have got inot a routine of excercise again after a period of not exercising for a year almost.


lots and lots of drinking, ive been tryin to cut back though. Other than that all I have is being an asshole to people I don't like and telling myself that someday I'll have some money and a nice car and maybe be everything that society expects of me...
I find these useful:

1. Try not to avoid the 'smaller' situations that cause you anxiety, for example: when using a zebra crossing sometimes I would feel anxious if there were cars coming from both directions as they would have to stop and watch me cross the road, so now I've put myself into that situation it's not too bad.

2. Listen to an anxiety CD - I put mine on my Ipod and listen to it on repeat as I go to sleep. I don't know whether I'm just thinking this will work or it actually does, but does seem to help! A few months ago I was in a down stage and getting anxious about situations such as walking to school with all the traffic, now sometimes I don't even notice. This is something I'd recommend sticking to!

3. If you're walking in public, why not listen to music, I think I would go insane if I didn't have music, to get lost in it, you don't need to think about what others are thinking of you if you have a good beat by yourside. I often find myself miming along. No music? focus your mind on something else, the weekend, what you need to do when you get home, what's on TV tonight, make a mental plan of something, focus on something in front of you.

4. Posture - try to stand up tall, looking confident will gradually make you feel confident.

5. When I feel myself getting anxious I just take a deep breath and start my breathing again, who says you can't start again? Relax.

6. In school, although this is hard I tell myself 'answer one question a lesson'. Sometimes this can be hard, but other times I do answer questions. A large class can be intimidating though, so, maybe when there are a few people away it could be a good opportunity to take advantage of this and answer a question. Or maybe when it's dark and you're watching a video, then nobody can see if you did go red. I find it personally hard to speak to the people next to me in one of my classes because I feel unwanted by them, if they spoke to me first I could feel relaxed and talk to them properly, but it might be an idea to say hello to the people surrounding you?

7. Make a concious effort to speak to people around you. Say hello. You don't need to launch into a massive conversation if you're not ready but a friendly hello can help. People generally like talking about themselves, so ask them questions, let them be the talkers, you can be a good listener. 'How are you?' 'How was your weekend?'. If you listen to people talk, sometimes they don't wait to be asked questions, this can help to conversation if you're worried of running out of things to say or awkward silences - this is hard for me sometimes, it's not a question of I can't say anything, it's just I don't know what to say. But make small talk that can lead onto bigger topics where the other person can take over again if you don't feel comfortable talking lots. Remarks such as 'It's been so cold' or anything phatic. Has something exciting happened to you? Talk about the news? Heard a weird story? etc etc.

8. If people talk to you, you don't need to do masses of talking as long as they know you're listening. Nod your head, try to maintain eye contact, say 'yes' occasionally.

9. Try not to lose contact with friends - feeling alone only brings on further anxiety! If you have friends that you feel you are losing contact with, text them, ring them, email them, let them know they're appreciated. It makes me happy when I recieve a random text because I know my friends are still out there, even if at times I can feel terribly alone.

10. Exercise, sleep well and eat right. Healthy food, healthy mind right? - It does help, but I struggle with this one because of a silly eating disorder. But I try to do abit of toning/gentle exercise a few times a week when I wake up to try make myself more awake.

11. Don't procrastinate - Procrastination = big anxiety for me. I delay everything I possibly can, until the very last minute. I get so worked up about not doing the task and stressed, it increases my anxiety, however if you've even done this and then you actually do the task you get that instant feeling of release and the anxiety is gone. I suggest trying to do things as soon as possible. Maybe drawing out a plan would help? Make a weekly timetable of things you need to do and devote time to each other?

12. Tidy room = tidy mind. Well basically when my room is a mess my head is a mess, a messy room makes me want to think 'sod it' about everything and things tend to spiral down, having a clean environment helps clear my mind. I need to keep to this one more often! But slowly whenever I look at a messy room now I get an urge to tidy it up, and try to do it every night before I go to sleep so I can wake up refreshed.

13. Don't bottle feelings up - easier said than done. I'm rubbish at this one.

14. Start little, try overcome personal issues that you struggle with. Do you have a fear of being in a certain situation? Expose your self to it for a small amount of time, then work your way up.

15. Pick up a hobby - a distraction? A passion? A way of socialising? I haven't done this yet.

16. I find too much time on the internet makes me feel tired and pissy - try to find variety in life - films? books? cooking? sports?

17. If you're anxious over a situation is there any chance if could be shared with a friend so you don't need to feel so scared?

18. Do want you can to make yourself feel confident, wear clothes you're comfortable in/make you look nice.

19. Keep a 'positive book' - Write down a list of ANYTHING positive and significant to YOU. Keep a daily diary, you can read over it and realise there ARE good things in your life, and you CAN make small progresses :). Sometimes we forget that we are taking big steps without realising! If someone has paid you a compliment, write it down, maybe the sun is shining, write it down, you managed to complete something, write it down!

Each day I try to follow these a little more, haven't achieved them all just yet though. Drink is the easy option of course - just not the best physically or mentally! Must cut back on that.