Constantly Lying


Well-known member
Does anyone basically constantly lie to everyone around them just because you're embarassed or ashamed of the person you've become? I know that seems to be my issue these days. It's basically the point where I'm living a lie.

Not in every aspect of my life but i used to lie about 'sex stuff' when i was in the army because i would feel embarrased if i told the truth.And i still do it sometimes when a discussion goes in that direction


Well-known member
I dont think I lie much more than the average person, I tend to just not open up or talk very little/not at all when the subject of a group conversation makes me uneasy or embarrassed. If someone tries to ask me the specifics I will avoid answering by asking why are you asking me for, saying its not important, asking them a question instead. Even when I do answer and not use this kinda politian weasel talk I tend to give vague, undescriptive answers. Im not doing myself any favours by making myself distant from everyone, I think im quite a bit better with those I know well and trust. Theres still plenty of room for improvement in this for me though.


Well-known member
I have a problem where I am so afraid of lying, I try to tell the truth TOO much. It gets very complex and very frustrating, because I am constantly re-wording and adding things to what I say, or taking things back. It's a lot of stress. haha! I constantly analyze my words, other peoples words, etc.

Sometimes because of my fear of being judged or my embarrassment of self, I will word things in a weird way, so that I am telling the truth, but not as obviously. I really don't like that. I don't know if people think that is lying.. Maybe slightly deceiving, but I try to be most honest about everything. Some stuff is truly difficult to be honest about, though I try my best to get every motive/thought/feeling/action out.



Well-known member
I don't know about constantly, but I usually go by the rule of "if they didn't ask, they don't want to know." More or less just keeping information to myself unless someone outright asks me