

Well-known member
So how's it going for everybody? I'm doing pretty well except for knowing that I will inevitably have to give some sort of presentation.


Well-known member
I'm in my 5th year of college and it's still a mental struggle when August comes around knowing I have just about 2 weeks before I'm thrown back into the fray. I get nervous everytime about getting a new roommate and I don't like the prospect of being dropped back into the middle of a crowd of people and sitting in classrooms and auditoriums with them again.

When I first started, I'd go home every weekend. They say if you do that you're more likely to quit and I'm still here so I'm proud that I've made it this far and was able to do it. Although my freshment dormitory sucked and was a very small box room with no moving space or anything and now I have a mini dorm apartment so that definitely contributes to me not feeling the need to go home weeks at a time with a kitchen and my own bedroom and own bathroom.

But yeah, I'll be glad when it's over. Hasn't been the best experience. Class presentations and the such. It never feels normal. I never get use to it.


Well-known member
I don't think I was so nervous starting college. Okay... a little! But I think my nervousness grew as I realize that many of the problems, such as shyness, that I expected to outgrow naturally didn't happen! So my advice is, once you get past that initial nervousness, try to strike up a conversation with someone every day. As time progresses, try to strike up as many conversations as possible. They only have to be short ones. Try to remember the names of the people you talk to, as this makes a good impression on them if you remember them when you meet them later. If you're nervous about grades, just do your best. You wouldn't have gotten into college in the first place if your grades weren't pretty good.


Well-known member
College is going well for me. I'm pretty much friends with everyone in my class, except one guy who doesn't mix with anyone and just keeps to himself. I use the term 'friends' fairly loosely, though. I hang out with a group of people and we chat and laugh, but I don't have any of their phone numbers, nor do I think I will be meeting up with any of them outside college. Well, one guy has got me to join his car club (another forum) and has invited me to the meets they hold, but I'm pretty hesitant about that, and I have to work on weekends anyway. I'm happy with just having them as on-campus friends only, to be honest - that's enough for me.

As for the course, it's great. The assignments are pretty tough (and vital that I get them right,) but I'd rather that, than it being boringly easy.


Well-known member
I've just started college and I'm.....not doing well at all. I haven't "connected" with anyone, I now have to smoke much more, at breaktimes and lunchtimes everyone goes off in their groups to talk to people, but I'm all by myself lol, I just have to hide somewhere because if a group sees me alone I'll be humiliated and my self esteem will go down down DOWN! I'm too scared to talk to anyone (Even though I want to) I can't even go into the library to get a book! Which is quite pathetic by normal standards.

And Ive been crying myself to sleep ever since! Apart from al that though college is fine for me lol!