Class "Presentation" tomorrow


Well-known member
Ah yes, the dreaded school presentation. I remember this girl, who was surprisingly one of the popular, snooty ones in the class, who had it worse than everyone. She would break down and cry as soon as she hit the 'stage'. Interesting... So, i guess it really isn't just limited to people with SA. I made fun of her because she was nasty to me in the past. ..revenge is a dish best served cold!


Well-known member
I hate presentations with passion. My worst one was when I shook so badly, looking like i was hyperventilating and my voice was wobbly too. SO embarrassing! Everyone looked amused :mad: I've been doing presentations for five days a week for 3 years and still can't get over it. Well, at least I don't shake madly but a little. I don't believe many times will turn out easier...


Well-known member
Umm well review your presentation a few times so you know all the facts :)
I think you feel better then


Well-known member
I mean few ppl like 'em. I lol get more nervous if it's in a group funny enough. Individually ONCE I get up there I am fine... before is the nerve racking I mean true for anyone. My main issue is forgetting someone or trying to be humorous and totally not coming off that way. That's the worst.