I'd like to share some phone calling related tips/techniques that have helped me feel a little less nervous, so here they are:
1. Write down what you're going to say before dialing. Also, if it helps, recite aloud what you wrote down several times over like practicing for a speech.
2. Take a deep breath. I like to inhale/exhale deeply right before someone picks up and says "hello".
3. Food & beverage. Sometimes it can be beneficial to drink a glass of water or eat a light snack prior to the dreaded task.
4. Remember that the call isn't all about you, and that there's another person or persons involved. I know i had a tendency to obsess about what i was going to say and how i'd be received, but eventually i realized that the people i call (or talk to) are just like anyone else. A simple "hi, how are you today?" is a good opener that eases my stress/anxiety quite a bit, for example. I think it's pleasant for the person you're calling too, as the results to this approach have shown that someone will be a lot more receptive when being talked to like a 'human being'.
Hopefully this is useful to someone out there...