Can't Call My Boyfriend on the Phone...

He and I have bee together for four years, so it's ridiculous that I should be so worried about calling him, but I can't help it. I'm fine texting him, Snapchatting him, or any other kind of messaging via text. The thing is, I like talking on the phone way better, but I don't think he knows that because I always text. I'm perfectly fine talking with him on the phone when he calls me, but not the other way around. If I miss a call from him and I call him back, it isn't nearly as bad, but I still get nervous. Interestingly enough, video calls make me less nervous than regular ones... Given the choice, I would rather walk all the way to his dorm room 20 minutes away and talk to him in person rather than call, that's how nervous I get (but unfortunately that's not practical).
Last night I wanted to call him and ask him about something, and I literally sat there and stared at my phone with my hands shaking and me practically hyperventilating. When I finally did call, I almost cried with relief when he didn't pick up, because then I could just text him while still showing that I had made the effort... Pretty bad, huh?
I really need to get over this irrational fear, what can I do?


Well-known member
I have a similar fear. I avoid most calls altogether. One trick I have discovered is to have my husband get them on the phone for me, then I find it easier to talk. I think it is because I can sense by him talking what their tone is? Maybe? Not sure if you have anyone to do that for you, but just thought I would put it out there. I wonder if some of this comes from negative experiences using the phone? I don't know what causes mine, I am pretty sure it revolves around rejection though.
Yeah I think a subconscious fear of rejection does have something to do with it. I did end up video calling him last night (I was kinda proud of myself), but it was a little late and I woke him up :/ he didn't seem upset though, but I still analyzed the whole one-minute conversation afterwards...


Well-known member
I do that too. I read and reread messages, posts, etc. I Hate that. It's like a recording of the conversation has to keep playing again and again until fully analyzed and finally filed away in the proper brain file (although it may need reanalyzing in the future 0_0). So annoying. I really don't want to care this much!


Well-known member
Whats the worse that could happen and what are you worrying the most about.He is your boyfriend therefore Im persuming he knows about your issues.Just talk to him in person about your telephone issues.