Can being shy and having social aniexty be mistaken for arrogance?


Well-known member
i get this all the time....every day....there's only a few people that can recognize i'm really shy/scared rather than's hard when people misunderstand you...especially if you're just shy/scared of any social interactions....


Well-known member
Yeah, some people take it that way. I've never really understood why though. :confused: I've had people assume more than once that I was stuck-up and I once had a girl say it to my face how "stuck-up" I was. Ironically the girl who did say this to me was quite arrogant herself. I tried not to take it to heart too much, but I'm still hurt by it as I'm the complete opposite. Why can't some people just notice shyness/SA and not mistake it for arrogance?


Well-known member
never been heard it told to my face. Im very consious now about "correcting" myself if I do something that might be interpreted as arrogant, like crossing arms too much - it doesnt annoy me that I do it, but likely it occupies some of my focus and engagement in the conversation


Well-known member
I get Nervous around people all the time and I know from when I used to be in school a lot of people thought I was a prick.. Just because I struggled with eye contact and making conversation. I sought of walked round school with headphones in and in class would sit on my own. So I don't know whether they thought I was arrogant or just a bit of a loner.
And now I'm working and I still do the same. Social Skills = 0
How I ever got a job I don't know.