

Well-known member
Is it true that drinking caffeine is bad for those with SA, causing anxiety level to rise?


Well-known member
I usually drink 10 or more cups a day. I have to, to function. I've tried to give it up, but i feel like a zombie without the stuff. I guess i'm too far gone as an addict for it to actually give me a 'buzz' - but it keeps me awake - good enough.


Well-known member
Caffiene is a drug like any other; trying to quit may leave you with some withdrawal effects, but in the long term I felt that cutting out caffiene helped my anxiety levels drop enormously! :)


Well-known member
being such a light weight coffee sends me through the roof. i drink it when i really need it like if i have to stay awake during a test or if im studying but it deosent seem to effect my sp thank god


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It definatly sends me hyper after about 2 litres :lol:

I'm ok when ive got caffiene rush its just when it wears off i feel edgy
and anxious

Bit like alcohol i suppose

I will say it doesnt help it triggers symptoms of SP very easily such as blushing, nervousness, negative thoughts......ect

I actually think caffiene causes me depression sometimes, but somethings
gotta get me moving in a morning!


Well-known member
Caffeine is a stimulant and stimulants do tend to make us more nervous.

As others have said it really depends on the amount intaken. In moderation it should not cause any real problem but hey, if you can get by without it, go for it.


Staff member
I gave it up and noticed an improvement, managed to sleep alittle better too which helps anxiety levels


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I MAY drink a cup per day at work. Sometimes I get a rush that awakens me - sometimes it does absolutely nothing. But in relation to SA, it doesn't do a thing. I will avoid a talkative person like the plague. I will stumble over words. I will wonder who thinks I'm wierd. I'll just stay quiet and listen to others.


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I don't really know. I don't think I drink enough to affect me. Usually 2 mugs in the morning to wake up etc. I don't really feel any different when I have gone without.


Active member
moog said:
Is it true that drinking caffeine is bad for those with SA, causing anxiety level to rise?

I quit taking coffee when I discovered it's bad for anxiety.
I felt better and I still avoid caffeine.
Just like I avoid alcool and cigarettes, they're all exciting drugs.
I try to eat small of sweet food as well.


Oh, caffeine really messes me up.. There are quite a few people that are sensitive to it, and I guess that I'm one of 'em. :p

I totally quit drinking it, and have seen a huge improvement. If I drink a soda or something, within 15 minutes, I can feel the hyperness and anxiety coming on.

I drank a lot of it before I quit, and did go through a bit of withdrawal, just mile headaches, and thirstiness... but nothing major.

I think that if you do have SP or panic attacks, that it is totally worth a try to give it up. It helped me a bit.



Well-known member
Sorry to offend coffee lovers out there...I dislike drinking cofffe coz I think it has got this super bitter taste, even if its with lots of sugar. But I drink tea though :lol:


Well-known member
Caffeine is horrible for my anxiety, one cut in the morn usually keeps me agitated adn anxiety ridden for the rest of the day. If i drink even a few sips of green tea in the arvo my sleep is doomed.

just today i had an iced coffee double espresso milk in the morning and my anxiety was horrible, i was shaking all day.
i hope given a few days i would calm down


Well-known member
I used to drink a lot of red bull, which is pretty high in caffine (I don't like coffee), to try to raise my energy levels while in college. I used to have one on the way in, one at morning break and one at lunch. I was still knackered during the day, and found it more difficult to sleep at night. I don't know if it had an effect on my anxiety levels since I was anxious as hell every day anyway.


Well-known member
redlady said:
I usually drink 10 or more cups a day. I have to, to function. I've tried to give it up, but i feel like a zombie without the stuff. I guess i'm too far gone as an addict for it to actually give me a 'buzz' - but it keeps me awake - good enough.

Ditto. It probably fuels my anxiety, but I really need it to function. Especially after getting knocked out by Xanax XR. I drink 8-12 cans of pop a day and or the equivalent in coffee.


Well-known member
I love Diet Coke. That is the main thing I drink. I haven't noticed that caffine does anything to me. It doesn't keep me awake or acctive. So I don't think that it does anything to my SA. And every once and awhile I will buy caffine free soda and I don't notice a difference.


I've tried to stop the caffiene.. but I just couldn't..I'm hooked on it.. I remember I used to drink.. 4-6 cans of coke a day.. I don't know.. if it makes social anxiety worse.. but I have wondered about that in the past.. if it contributes to the social anxiety.. I think I've read that too much caffiene can cause you stress which might be true I wouldn't doubt it if it is.. I remember when I tried to stop caffiene man I felt like I was lifeless.. and I didn't have any energy what so ever.. walking up a flight of stairs was so much work.. it made me feel like I didn't have anything inside of me.. so I guess I need it.. to keep me going..



Well-known member
I really need coffee after lunch and preferably a second cup in the afternoon (espresso, of course :)) or I lose all energy and what little desire to keep doing the necessary things I have left.

As for the effect on SP, it does make me a bit more anxious, but at the same time more willing to put myself in social contexts, and more talkative and less depressed than I would be in my "default setting". All in all, benefits outweigh costs for me.

For those who drink so much coke and similar stuff, I think you should try to switch to coffee for your caffeine intake... If you drink two liters a day or so, it's like living on a diet of sugar (2liters (six cans) of coke: 800 calories, average daily intake: 2000. That means about 40% of the food you eat daily consists of sugar!) It's going to give you diabetes in the long run!