!! Caffeine addiction !!


Caffeine defintely plays a part in enhancing anxiety, in my experience. I used to drink Rockstars just about every day to give me an extra boost. I always felt tired throughout the day, but more so than that, I felt that people who appeared to have 'more energy' (talked a lot, more 'up' etc) were more confident. I used it as a means to self medicate and 'mask' my anxiety...but it only backfired. It only made me more anxious, and kept me up at night. I wouldn't recommend it. I just stick to green tea now.
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For getting me into lectures walking through the snow - 2 pints of Nescafe in the morning after the regular hangover

I prefer something small on the tongue to keep me up for several days and happy :)

My filter coffee tastes good but seems to do nothing along the lines of a wake-up call

Yesterday I really did spill the entire cafetiere across the kitchen surface, onto the microwave, cabinets and floor while fiddling with breakfast-making. That spurs frustration, but some humiliation. Black is the worst evil. All equipment suffers the worst long-term stains of life. I hope my inner flesh remains pink


Active member
I've been addicted to caffine since before I can remember. When I was a baby, my mom used to give me some pepsi in my kiddy cup (just a bit), but that was enough to start the horrible cycle. She drank caffine when she was pregant with me too, so I guess that's affected me...


I don't care. I don't have any trouble sleeping or anything like that. I don't have any trouble waking up. I guess Im lucky in that regard. Caffine all around, that's what I say! Except for those who don't want it. That, I can understand. My sister can't have any of it; she goes nuts, and does get panic attacks because of it. Then again, she over reacts to everything, so maybe that's an issue too.

I have the exact same problem. My entire family are caffine addicts, just got passed down through the generations.


Well-known member
I haven't given it up long enough to notice any true benefits.

I do get withdrawal symptoms though and without it, I too feel slightly drone-ish, like in a haze. However when I drink it, and too much, my mind can get hyperactive and a bit manic and anxious. So while I like it, it's not doing me any good.