

However skilled or elegant the matadors may appear, I see them in no way as heros or anything worth admiration. Bullfighting is just primitive and stupid, unfair with the animals being in disadvantage and doomed in advance. The matadors are cruel murderers and the people who admire this are stupid trash.

There was also talk about halal, well, long live religion! :mad:


Well-known member
However skilled or elegant the matadors may appear, I see them in no way as heros or anything worth admiration. Bullfighting is just primitive and stupid, unfair with the animals being in disadvantage and doomed in advance. The matadors are cruel murderers and the people who admire this are stupid trash.

There was also talk about halal, well, long live religion! :mad:

well said lea feel free to use that gun of yours to shoot all the matadors , ill know it was you but i wont tell ;)


Well-known member
Its culture.

Again, that doesn't make a given thing right.

In ancient times, it was culture to find tieing people up and watching them be devoured by wild animals amusing. Tables have turned I guess...neither is right.


Well-known member
Its culture.

that is your opinion sir :) now we all are intitled to an opinion , it doesnt matter how stupid that opinion is , or how down right ignorant it is were all intitled to it :) and i do hope you dont think im saying yours is stupid or ignorant because i asure you that simply isnt the case :) im just saying thats all ;)


Its culture.

Too much rationalization stinks. We could say WW2 was a part of nazi culture for example, and from cultural reasons the jews etc., had to be exterminated. Saying to something "it´s culture" or "it´s religion" doesn´t justify what they are perpetrating in its name. I don't care if it's "culture" or "religion", I couldn't care less. For me it's either right or wrong, so easy it is.


Lol, I got de-repped for this thread cause someone hates how I view the world. Since, I don't know who it is... The only thing I can say is enjoy your fantasy world while it last, where unicorns and chewbakka exists >:3


Well-known member
Lol, I got de-repped for this thread cause someone hates how I view the world. Since, I don't know who it is... The only thing I can say is enjoy your fantasy world while it last, where unicorns and chewbakka exists >:3

I don't think anyone pretends that bad things don't happen in the world...but we also don't have to accept them as "it's how the world is", things can be changed.


I don't think anyone pretends that bad things don't happen in the world...but we also don't have to accept them as "it's how the world is", things can be changed.

Well, I'm gonna live what life I have for now, and wait for humanity to kill each other. Hopefully, I'll be in the first group of casualties. Cheers!


>.> Show your face you hypocritical bullfighter de-repper! I take a negative de-rep as an insult. You're insulting me cause of my views of the world? How shameless, and even lurking the the shadows clawing my ass off secretly without me knowing. How mature of you.

I sorry I don't care if people kill bulls for fun, its not my problem. Its not like ts done right in my face, so I don't care. Plus most of the time the madadors get their asses gore too so its all fair.

I hate the rep system :\


Well-known member
Someone de-repped my post on this thread too! But luckily someone up-repped it so they cancelled each other out! No harm was done! Phew!

Well I quite like the idea because you get to know what people really think about what you post, and I think people should be allowed to express their views and all that.


Well-known member
i dont see why people get so annoyed about rep posts , i couldnt care less about it , i didnt even know were they were until luke told me ... and as luke said people should be able to express there views good or bad .... just my view


someone gave me bad rep, but she was just being funny and so thats the way i took it. just in good fun. :)

@mrb i cant give you rep until you sober up::p::D