Building Bridges (Program.)


Well-known member
Ok so on the last week of January I'm starting a program for teens like us that have trouble going to school because of a mental illness (such as SAD.)

It's an eight week program and there's an academic side to it and obviously a treatment side to it as well.

The program was recommended to my by my therapist (So it must be a good idea for me then since my therapist knows best.)

I'm reeeeeeeaaaaaalllllly nervous and everytime I start thinking about how it's coming up soon I feel like throwing up (literally I get a gagging feeling.)

I was originally going to start the program a month and a half ago but that didn't work out because I didn't want to be the new kid there.

The thing is I feel like no one there could possibily have SAD as severe as I have it (that might sound stupid but it's how I feel.) When I got the courage to go to one of the group meetings last time I was surprised to find that the students there were fairly talkative... How the hell do they have anxiety when there all laughing and talking? I'm hoping that this time around I won't be the only quiet one.

What I want the most is to make some really close friends from this program because lately I've realize I don't have any friends (which sound pathetic but please don't judge me.)

So yeah wish me luck! xD I will update this when I get more information about Building Bridges or when I actually manage to go to the program.::(:::(:

New information:

I will be starting the program on Monday wish my luck!
I'm still incredibly nervous and anxious about it and I could really use your guys support ^^
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Well-known member
Good luck hun!! :)

I can be fairly talkative and laughing etc - sometimes, it's out of nervousness lol!!
(And sometimes I say nonsense if I don't know what to say really..)

Know that while you are admiring the talkative people maybe they are admiring YOU!! :)
I knew a fair amount of rather quiet girls that I admired greatly because they were so COOL!! And you are very COOL too!!

So I'd probably be a bit intimidated by you and wouldn't dare to speak to you, if you sat next to me! I'd recommend to maybe smile to others there, and maybe start some small talk (like maybe 'Where are you from?' or such) - or the person leading the program will structure it so you can talk a bit..

I was really nervous before going to some workshops too, and then it went well and I was really happy I went!! met some cool people there too!!
Wishing you the same!!

Do let us know how it goes!! :)
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Well-known member
Good luck hun!! :)

I can be fairly talkative and laughing etc - sometimes, it's out of nervousness lol!!
(And sometimes I say nonsense if I don't know what to say really..)

Know that while you are admiring the talkative people maybe they are admiring YOU!! :)
I knew a fair amount of rather quiet girls that I admired greatly because they were so COOL!! And you are very COOL too!!

So I'd probably be a bit intimidated by you and wouldn't dare to speak to you, if you sat next to me! I'd recommend to maybe smile to others there, and maybe start some small talk (like maybe 'Where are you from?' or such) - or the person leading the program will structure it so you can talk a bit..

I was really nervous before going to some workshops too, and then it went well and I was really happy I went!! met some cool people there too!!
Wishing you the same!!

Do let us know how it goes!! :)

Thank you for your support! It means a lot :)