Breathing Obsession? and others


When I go to sleep, I can't seem to stop thinking about breathing, or when I become social phobic at school, I keep thinking to breath. This might have started because I have astma, but now it is under control and I breath fine.

Usually it is normal to think about breathing when u run...

I just need to stop thinking about breathing. Also I feel like i have OCD, because I keep checking pointless things like my acne in my skin, what homework I have and stuff...

One problem I have was stuttering. It happened when I kinda social phobic.
I keep speaking my mind and when I try to say something, the word don't come out -_-.
Stuttering - My Child Has - Children's Hospital Boston


That's the problem, too much thinking (Drains a lot of your energy too). I use to get like that a lot, so i started whispering to myself out loud, it kind of solve the problem.


You can also practice louder in the shower, it helps with public speaking or speaking in general.


When I was young, I used to hum to myself to myself, but my older bro said to stop.
I keep following people and trying to be who I am not?
Like a serious, emo, or a weird person lol?

Right now I'm not sure who I am right now .. so yea...


Well-known member
I've had a problem with focusing on breathing from when I was a lot younger. Before sleeping, I'd sometimes take one of those big inhales in and then from there I couldn't stop doing that and paying attention to my breathing until it felt like I was hyperventilating. It still happens sometimes now, but not as bad because I can usually get it relatively under control. Even now I'm sort of struggling not to do it because if I think of it, I'll do it. Also a frustrating thing is that I have anxiety and when I went to a counselor for help with it she advised that I focus on my breathing. Worst idea for me.

I'm not sure if yours is really the same, or if it's just an obsession for you? I don't really tell myself to breathe, it just happens and then it feels like I can't stop. At any rate, it's been manageable for me. I find that if I tell myself to stop thinking about something, I usually can. I do that with a lot of intrusive thoughts that I might have.

As far as the OCD that you described I don't really think checking your homework and skin is too bad unless you do it allllll the time. With all of that, it's really a matter of how much of an affect it has on your normal functioning. Also, are these actions such as checking your homework, checking your acne and telling yourself to breath relieving an anxiety? As in, do you feel you have to carry out those tasks to rid yourself of a nagging anxious feeling? If it's to that extent then it's certainly OCD.


Well-known member
I keep following people and trying to be who I am not?
Like a serious, emo, or a weird person lol?

This is why supermarkets and boredom aren't a good match for me. I almost enjoy trying to walk like someone else. Usually while walking at a distance behind them, too. I don't try to be rude or offensive; I think I started doing it years ago to entertain a sibling while out shopping with mom.

Although I've mostly stopped now, several years ago I saw a poor man with a compulsion to grunt and raise a handkerchief simultaneously. And as tempting as it was to mimic him, I felt too sorry for him to make an attempt.

More on topic, I've noticed that trying to control your breathing is like trying to control your walk. If you don't think about it, you'll never screw it up. It's always those times when you try not to seem foolish that you actually do.


Super Moderator
I'm afraid of hyperventilation or just stop breathing, so yeah.. i'm paying attention to that too sometimes. I fear hyperventilation because it happened before, I just got awaken in panic and i thought i was gonna die. Other times i woke up with difficulty breathing because of asthma... Long time ago, my mother was too nice to tell me that i might asfixiate and die in my sleep, which only made me more fearful... Lots of fun :p -not-


Well-known member
Whenever I start to focus on my breathing it just makes me more anxious than I already am. I have to tell myself to calm down and sometimes that doesn't work.

I was a severe hypochondriac when I was younger and I used to get panic attacks. When I used to focus on something even if it never existed in the first place I actually began to feel it for real. It was all imagined of course. Now it's mostly gone, but it sometimes creeps up on me. Usually while I am in bed. And it's usually anxiety about not breathing right, especially when I am sick.