You obviously didn't enjoy it coz you went to a prostitute do you not feel you wasted it?
Yes, you're wright, I waisted it, but I don't see virginity as a precious flower witch you give to a special person. Losing virginity is in fact having sex, with the difference that is the first time you do this.
From now on I'm not going to pay prostitutes to have sex. I'm going to make LOVE only with someone who wants to make love with me, or better, care about me, or, even better, loves , it begins to sound like a fairy tale allready. :lol:
I can't talk coz I lost mine at a party
I was so close of losing my virginity at my 20 year anniversary, I organised it on my cousins house, in the middle of nowhere.
I had a lot of guests, about 30 of them, of course they responded to the invitation, who wouldn't (free beer, food and music). Anyway, my 21 year aunt was invited too.
I knew there was something about the way she looked at me, when we got to the dancing part she accepted to dance only with me. She is very pretty, charming and outgoing, so she was heavily courted by lots of other single boys, but refused them all. :twisted:
We got so close during dancing, but as drunk as I was i still had a little discernment left, and I have my priciples as well.
I heard it over from the others that she likes me and she wants me, but god damn, it was my fu*kin' aunt :evil: Freakin' luck, couldn't it have been another girl from the party? just ANY other girl
And she was sending very clear signals, I think she even tried kissing me but I backed off. I bet she wouldn't have mind having sex with me, although i was her nephew.
I didn't new what she saw in me, i guess first my looks and second, when people open to me and seem to like me i feel more comfortable and I open up to them too.
Now I regret taking that decision

, I know this opportunity might come once in a lifetime cause i just don't have the guts to aproach a girl...yet, she would have to make all the steps, SP sucks big time :evil:
Now I'm going to throw a few punches into the walls or find something to tworn apart and brake to pieces. Damn, i'm angry