boring life


Well-known member
i'm 19 and all i do is go to class and go home and do nothing. i've been trying to get a job, but they never call back with good news. i did about eight interviews so i'm done trying for now. i have a couple friends, but when we go out we spend over twenty doing things like go out to eat, shop, and drive around. i don't like hanging out in groups so it adds up to hang out with each person individually. i even signed up for volunteering and this lady said she would call back in a week and it's been twenty days. just wanted to complain i guess. =/
Things come in life unexpectedly usually in the positive, even if the negative outweighs the positive at this moment in time, just give it a bit of time and you will know what I mean when a positive aspect of life gets presented to you. Then it's up to you to build it up from there and progress. I missed my chance but you still have your life In front of you man.


Well-known member
Things come in life unexpectedly usually in the positive, even if the negative outweighs the positive at this moment in time, just give it a bit of time and you will know what I mean when a positive aspect of life gets presented to you. Then it's up to you to build it up from there and progress. I missed my chance but you still have your life In front of you man.

thanks :) what do you mean you missed your chance?
thanks :) what do you mean you missed your chance?

I basically have a great job, good income etc because it was handed to me. I wasn't looking for it, but and this is a big but, I had the chance to pursue a girl I once knew for years, she told me she loved me etc etc, you know how it goes. She had major problems in her life which resorted to self harm and I didn't help her in her problems because of my own, I regret it to this day a sense of guilt clouds my everyday actions. Thus why she cheated on me. ;)


Well-known member
I basically have a great job, good income etc because it was handed to me. I wasn't looking for it, but and this is a big but, I had the chance to pursue a girl I once knew for years, she told me she loved me etc etc, you know how it goes. She had major problems in her life which resorted to self harm and I didn't help her in her problems because of my own, I regret it to this day a sense of guilt clouds my everyday actions. Thus why she cheated on me. ;)

lucky you about the first part :D.. sorry your relationship didn't work, i messed up love wise too ::(:
Ain't we all dude. Just go with the flow and you will be good man. People that plan usually end up not wanting what they wanted in the past. Just let life hit you on the head when it wants. Don't worry too much.


Well-known member
Ain't we all dude. Just go with the flow and you will be good man. People that plan usually end up not wanting what they wanted in the past. Just let life hit you on the head when it wants. Don't worry too much.

Inspiring, yet instant gratification would be preferred lol.
Inspiring, yet instant gratification would be preferred lol.

I know ::(: Just how things worked for me I still ain't completely satisfied with my job aswell yet...I'm a fireman and I can't seem to get a date. ::eek:: Other than that it's great :D. Now if only there was a way of getting instant gratification and getting my own back on the system. Ah yes, THIS:

If only it worked :(

Or doing this for some lolz
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Well-known member
I know ::(: Just how things worked for me I still ain't got instant gratification in my job aswell yet...I'm a fireman and I can't seem to get a date. ::eek:: Other than that it's great :D. Now if only there was a way of getting instant gratification and getting my own back on the system. Ah yes, THIS:

Hackers hit bank accounts

Just keep asking them out until you get a yes. I learned that from some King of the Hill episode. These theives did get instant gratification in a way, but they still had to train themselves to have a successful hack or I guess it could have been a spur of the moment idea :D
Oh man it would be good though to steal from the banks, they do it everyday to us. Oh and yeah they're only two chicks at work and both are married haha. Need to rescue someone from a burning building or something for a damn date. Hard work. :D


Well-known member
Oh man it would be good though to steal from the banks, they do it everyday to us. Oh and yeah they're only two chicks at work and both are married haha. Need to rescue someone from a burning building or something for a damn date. Hard work. :D

Just ask someone walking around the town or online dating (sometimes can work) :rolleyes: It would make a pretty awesome story if you saved your future lover from a burning building though
Lol I can't bring myself to just ask someone out around town, oh and online dating....yeah...will never do that again...

Me - "So you like club music?"

Other person - "I like meat hooks"

Me - "Ooook nice to know".

Oh and yeah I ain't done any dramatic rescues yet haha, just putting out car fires or shop fires. Ain't been in the service long. Can get boring :p


Well-known member
Lol I can't bring myself to just ask someone out around town, oh and online dating....yeah...will never do that again...

Me - "So you like club music?"

Other person - "I like meat hooks"

Me - "Ooook nice to know".

Oh and yeah I ain't done any dramatic rescues yet haha, just putting out car fires or shop fires. Ain't been in the service long. Can get boring :p

What duh what? I wouldn't want to online date again eaither haha. If you see someone you like just pretend there was a fire on there car and you got there just in time before it spread for it to be noticeable ;)


Well-known member
Getting a job is not easy. A lot of people go through a LOT of interviews before getting a job. The trick is to keep trying. :) And I'm 17, 18 in 3 months, and my life is pretty much the same, without the outgoing part lol.
I know man, was unemployed for 2 years, was a nightmare. Just when you are young you still have time, not all is lost.

Obviously if you keep trying you do have more of a chance of getting something you want, but if you worry too much you may make the SA worse. After trying about 30 interviews over the years and getting no where I just thought. "Screw you world I can't be botherd". Straight after that I got my job. Maybe it's just the Cosmic Joker having a laugh. Who knows?