blast from the past this one. I still don't know my blood type but heres a short story of my earlier years which have something in common with the theories Jezza had.
I was fairly shy as a kid and wasn't terribly out going unless I was comfortable in my surroundings and I was easily embarrassed. Anyway I was taught at home up until year 7 than I went to school. That was really very traumatic for me and I know its had an impact on my life, year 8 was the worst. I had a teacher nicknamed the dragon and she had it out for my friend who was also home taught and myself. Through out this period other kids made life really difficult too as we were complete newbs to everything about school life.
Anyway my friend went to another school and later I joined him after he said how good it was. To start with it wasn't to bad but he was a lot shyer than me and I stuck by him through thick and thin which cost me friends and honestly the chance for popularity as I'd managed to make a few friends in the right places. Anyway he left again and this time I stayed on and immediately my social school life improved but a lot of damage had been done. I was honestly low on self esteem and to make things worse it wasn't to about yr 10 or 11 I noticed the HH which had probably been there before but had gone unnoticed or wasn't as bad. I still wasn't aware it was a abnormal condition and I didn't know what deodorants were affective so in short the last years of high school were another living hell of being self conchant.
So I don't know if its possible somehow that some kind of social phobia and extreme stress is a spark that ignites the fire rather than the opposite theory that HH brings on SP.
Anybody have a related story?
For me it was/is the opposit.I was not shy as a kid,but pretty wild.I was not the worse in my class.I never liked to pick on others that I did know that was weaker than me.I was more like a justice kind of a person.More like eye for and eye,and thoot for thoot person.And then I usualy got in fights whit the stronger kids.
I also was very active. Went to karate,handball and soccer, all in once.But it was soccer who was my favorite,so as I got older I only played soccer,and was really good at it to..But then drinking,smoking,partying,girls was also fun,so there was that carriere over,hehe.Maybe not that good that I could be a proffessionale either anyway,hehe,but....Remember the HH bothered me in the karate,because no shoes on me.Yea, hope U understand why.
Point is I was an out-turned,confident and always had my own opinions no matter what, as a kid.And still is like that.But this HH shit has ruined many things for me to,even if I once took a job as a sales-man and probarely shaked 10-15 peoples hands every day.
Jeeez, when I think about it.I was going after a kid,because he was like a sheep in my opinion.He always was laughing if 10 other people where laughing saw him for an coward/ sheep that did not have his own opinions,but always followed others.Yea followed "the leader of the pack"
And understand now today this much better,why he was like that.
I was confronting him then infront of the whole class.Called him a sheep,coward,etc,and he blushed as hell.And everytime after that he blushed as hell if even people looked at him,and said,,look he is blushing so easy,hahaha,blabla,e,t,c..I dont recall if he had this before,but I would think so,but nobody had noticed this before.
So he got a pretty hard time after that,because now his cover was spotted by everybody.If I had knowned what I know today.I had never done it.
And there I was walking around blowing in my hands and didnt have a clue that time,that we actually have the same problem.If the theory about an over active symphatic nervesystem is the reason for both blushing and HH??
Because i think he is still blushing easy today,so I think he has a diseas,as a blusher.
Looking at Jezza 4 theories.I can defently not relate to this shy thing.If I will relate to one of those theories I would be that I have hurt my self as a kid.I hurt my self pretty much.Specialy in my head.And because I have taken CT of my brain,I dont think I have a tumor there,because I would think the doctors had seen it.Somethings the doctors have to know at least.So the tumor theory also,for me is out the window.