Best way to admit to procrastination/being a slacker?


Well-known member
My mate was on a mini vacation for a couple of weeks. I was supposed to have gotten some school applications out of the way. Due to plain slacking, depression and a financial issue (which haulted me and made me anxious so I gave up altogether in getting this done) I did not complete this task. I'm now scared to admit this to him, as I feel I'm a slacker in general and am always putting things off. He wants to hang out tomorrow and I'm reluctant because I don't know what to say. He's going to ask for sure. Now I am trying to avoid this encounter.

He expected me to do this and I feel like I'll have disappointed him. What's the best way to explain this, I guess?

It catches up to you, having a record of not sticking to schdueles and routines. Everything's piled up and now I'm panicking. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
I've been trying to work on my procrastinating, but I keep putting it off.
Seriously, though, there's no "best way" just come out and say it.


Well-known member
Procrastination: the life-killer. I suffer from this and bad, so I know what you're going through.

As for the school applications, all you can do is tell him the truth. Whether he's upset or disappointed in you will be revealed later, but it's probably not a good idea to completely avoid this guy. Eventually he will see you and ask you.

I've been trying to work on my procrastinating, but I keep putting it off.
How about that - me too! :bigsmile: