Best asian films that don't have karate in them?

I recently watched "The Scent of Green Papaya" and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was refreshing to see a film with people of Asian decent that didn't involve kicking and punching. From my perspective as a African American it always annoyed me whenever a stereotypical "hood" movie like "Soul Plane" comes out. And I'm bothered by most of the stuff that is seen in rap videos today. I'm sure some white people are also offended by the portrayal of rednecks in films also. So my question to the those of Asian decent is that are you bothered by everyone associating martial arts with Asians all the time? or does it not really matter? I'm just curious.

please recommend some more Asians films that don't have karate in them. Preferably a drama or comedy.

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Chaw is a horror/comedy I watched last month. It doesn't portray the Asians in a good light, but then that's part of the comedy. I suppose if you are a police officer or was once a police officer, you might like the crazy antics of the strange policemen there. I like it overall... acquired taste I suppose. There's no karate in this movie, but it does highlight some environmental and especially animal abuse issues indirectly and actually made me think a bit despite being just a horror comedy.


Well-known member
All About Lily Chou Chou (Beautiful film)
Bio Zombie (Hilarious Dawn Of The Dead meets Shaun Of The Dead)
A Tale Of Two Sisters (Scary!!!)
Oldboy (Disturbing!)
The Machine Girl/ Tokyo Gore Police/ Vampire Girl Vs Frankenstein Girl (These all have fight sequences in, but there really gory and probably the funniest over the top films ever)
13: Game Of Death (Good twist and story)


Well-known member
♦Battle Royale.
♦Battle Royale II: Revenge.
♦Battles Without Honor and Humanity (5 movies).
♦Graveyard of Honor.
♦Violent Cop.
♦A Scene at the Sea.
♦Kids Return.
♦Summer of Kikujiro.
♦Achilles and the Tortoise.
♦Days of Being Wild.
♦Chungking Express.
♦Ashes of Time.
♦Fallen Angels.
♦In the Mood for Love.
♦Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance.
♦Sympathy for Lady Vengeance.
♦Suicide Club.
♦Noriko's Dinner Table.
♦Moon Child.
♦A Bittersweet Life.
♦Infernal Affairs Trilogy.
♦Azumi 2: Death or Love.
♦All About Lily Chou-Chou.
♦Young and Dangerous (10 movies).
♦Suzhou River.
♦Hard Boiled.
♦Tae Guk Ki: Brotherhood of War.
♦Red Cliff.
♦Red Cliff II.
♦Bullet in the Head.
♦Lady Snowblood.
♦Lady Snowblood 2.
♦Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion.
♦Female Convict Scorpion: Jailhouse 41.
♦Female Prisoner #701 Scorpion: Beast Stable.
♦Female Prisoner #701 Scorpion: Grudge Song.
♦Crying Out Love in the Center of the World.
♦Moonlight Jellyfish.
♦Nobody Knows.
♦Seven Samurai.
♦Space Travelers.
♦That's Cunning! Shijo Saidai no Sakusen.
♦Linda Linda Linda.
♦Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence.
♦Shall We Dance?
♦My Sassy Girl.
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♦Battle Royale.
Battle Royale II: Revenge.
♦Battles Without Honor and Humanity (5 movies).
♦Graveyard of Honor.
Violent Cop.
♦A Scene at the Sea.
♦Kids Return.
♦Summer of Kikujiro.
♦Achilles and the Tortoise.
♦Days of Being Wild.
♦Chungking Express.
♦Ashes of Time.
♦Fallen Angels.
♦In the Mood for Love.
♦Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance.
♦Sympathy for Lady Vengeance.
♦Crows Zero.
♦Crows Zero II.
♦Suicide Club.
♦Noriko's Dinner Table.
♦Moon Child.
♦A Bittersweet Life.
♦Once Upon a Time in High School.
♦Infernal Affairs Trilogy.
♦Azumi 2: Death or Love.
♦All About Lily Chou-Chou.
♦My Wife is a Gangster Trilogy.
♦Young and Dangerous (10 movies).
♦Suzhou River.
♦Hard Boiled.
♦Tae Guk Ki: Brotherhood of War.
♦Red Cliff.
♦Red Cliff II.
♦Bullet in the Head.
♦Lady Snowblood.
♦Lady Snowblood 2.
♦Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion.
♦Female Convict Scorpion: Jailhouse 41.
♦Female Prisoner #701 Scorpion: Beast Stable.
♦Female Prisoner #701 Scorpion: Grudge Song.
♦Crying Out Love in the Center of the World.
♦Moonlight Jellyfish.
♦Nobody Knows.
♦Seven Samurai.
♦Space Travelers.
♦That's Cunning! Shijo Saidai no Sakusen.
♦Linda Linda Linda.
♦Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence.
♦Shall We Dance?
♦My Sassy Girl.

I have not seen the bolded but judging from the titles I can assume there is karate in them.


Well-known member
I wouldn't see Battle Royale 2, it completely ruins the first film, as its probably one of the worst squeals ever!!!!


Well-known member
I wouldn't see Battle Royale 2, it completely ruins the first film, as its probably one of the worst squeals ever!!!!

What!? I loved Battle Royale 2! They cut a lot of content from the Requiem one but the Revenge (Director's Cut) one is great!

I've actually heard of suicide club... Is it based on a real world phenomenon?


I have not seen the bolded but judging from the titles I can assume there is karate in them.

There's no martial arts in the first three. There's martial arts in Shinobi, I forgot to remove it. Oh and there's martial arts in My Wife is a Gangster too, Once Upon a Time in High School and Crows Zero, sorry. I fixed the list.

Does swordfighting bother you? Seven Samurai is a classic and is #14 on IMDb's top 250 list. Yojimbo is #142. Azumi is a good movie too. There is swordfighting in them.
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Well-known member

It's one of the best asian horror films around in my opinion. A refreshing retreat from the cliched 'dead pale girl with the long black hair'. Drags on a little in the beginning but in the end it will keep you incredibly tense and confused.

Eye & Eye 2

A chinese horror film. It has the cliche asian ghosts but still I find it a good movie. MUCH better than the American remakes that's for sure.


Well-known member
Ah i love The Eye, very creepy, i dare not watch the remake =P

Some more films

I'm A Cyborg But Thats Okay
Tokyo Zombie
Happiness of the Katakuris
Kamikaze Girls
Conduct Zero

Ichi The Killer.......has some fighting but i wouldnt class it as karate lol
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Does swordfighting bother you? Seven Samurai is a classic and is #14 on IMDb's top 250 list. Yojimbo is #142. Azumi is a good movie too. There is swordfighting in them.

No, I love movies with martial arts and swords fighting in them.

but I just got tired of seeing Asian films with fighting in them, it's so cliche.


No, I love movies with martial arts and swords fighting in them.

but I just got tired of seeing Asian films with fighting in them, it's so cliche.

Asian movies with no sword fighting or martial arts is a chick flick, and I swear those asian chick flicks are all the same, someone just has to die or end up in the hospital; usually its the girls themselves >.>

I think they're milking the idea of Love dry.... :rolleyes:


Well-known member
A few not mentioned:

One Missed Call (Original)
Dark Water (Original)
The Host
Tokyo Sonata

There's also the Death Note live action movies which I like but I know some don't.


♦Battle Royale.
♦Battle Royale II: Revenge.
♦Battles Without Honor and Humanity (5 movies).
♦Graveyard of Honor.
♦Violent Cop.
♦A Scene at the Sea.
♦Kids Return.
♦Summer of Kikujiro.
♦Achilles and the Tortoise.
♦Days of Being Wild.
♦Chungking Express.
♦Ashes of Time.
♦Fallen Angels.
♦In the Mood for Love.
♦Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance.
♦Sympathy for Lady Vengeance.
♦Suicide Club.
♦Noriko's Dinner Table.
♦Moon Child.
♦A Bittersweet Life.
♦Infernal Affairs Trilogy.
♦Azumi 2: Death or Love.
♦All About Lily Chou-Chou.
♦Young and Dangerous (10 movies).
♦Suzhou River.
♦Hard Boiled.
♦Tae Guk Ki: Brotherhood of War.
♦Red Cliff.
♦Red Cliff II.
♦Bullet in the Head.
♦Lady Snowblood.
♦Lady Snowblood 2.
♦Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion.
♦Female Convict Scorpion: Jailhouse 41.
♦Female Prisoner #701 Scorpion: Beast Stable.
♦Female Prisoner #701 Scorpion: Grudge Song.
♦Crying Out Love in the Center of the World.
♦Moonlight Jellyfish.
♦Nobody Knows.
♦Seven Samurai.
♦Space Travelers.
♦That's Cunning! Shijo Saidai no Sakusen.
♦Linda Linda Linda.
♦Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence.
♦Shall We Dance?
♦My Sassy Girl.

hmm i have this thing about downloading any movie ive never heard of, well now i got to get all these lol


Well-known member
Fan Chan (My Girl)
i highly recommend checking this one out... apparently it was a box office hit in Thailand when it was released

as for associating martial arts with asians... doesn't really matter to me... i'm more uncomfortable with things like asian men being over portrayed [in western films] as nerdy/geeky and asexual