Being treated like a villain


Well-known member
I have finally came to the realization that just about anything I do or say always will leads to the worst outcomes. Sadly, in my situation, I am treated as nothing more than a worn down prisoner locked away inside a Nazi camp. I never understood why though. Why am I one of the few many people out in this entire wold, be treated so much differently than others. I thought maybe it's possible this could all just be a phase that'll soon pass overtime... or maybe I just wasn't surrounded by the right people. But you see, I feel as if I have disappointed many people around me, including my family which doesn't come off as surprising for me to say. Every single little mistake I make, affects everyone around me very negatively. Its gone so far to the limit where not only do they get angry with me about these mistakes, they use it as a grudge to hold against me. We're not talking like maybe after a few hours they'll get over it and we all make up, I' m talking about them holding that grudge and never speaking to me for a day or two all because of these little mistakes. Believe me, I do apologize and admit that I'd done is wrong/stupid/out of line. However, it either ends up making the situation worse or with people constantly looking at the siuation as if it is something greater than it really is. Not only that, but a lot of the people I've been surrounded with have seen nothing of me rather than flaws to criticize on.

Some examples of my flaws; Too slow, careless, queitness (of course), lack of common sense, I ask questions that may offend others or if the question that I ask makes the answer obvious (which is proof that I have zero intelligence and understanding), not understanding when someone gives me directions on how to do something or where to find/pick up something, being forgetful, telling others about something that happens at the last minute, ect.

It's not that I purposely try to make people angry because I do these things, but somehow these flaws of mine are all what contributes to those feelings they bring out. There's things in my life I never could understand why they seem to be affecting it in such cruel, harshful ways. Why did this have to be the life for me to live through? Why does someone so useless and pathetic like me even deserve to exist? Why am I still unhappy? Why am I treated so differently from other humans in this world? Why was I born with so many stupid problems and deformities? Why can't I be perfect like people expect me to be? Why can't I even be who people want me to be? Why even ask these questions? I'll tell you why. Because it doesn't matter. Yes. That's it. Short and simple. The answer is because it doesn't matter and it will never matter in the end. And you know what, this is my own teaching lesson right here that I've now learned to accept. This is a lesson I've now accepted because in life, I guess the only real way you can ever fully succeed is if you endure the pain and agony that goes along with it. The sad truth I myself can't even deny.

Unfortunately for people like me (if there are) who have lived through the same pain, will maybe understand why I feel the way I do, though not all of you will. For those who can't, well, at least maybe you have a better insight of what my life has truly been like all these years. What surprises me is how much I'm actually able to take it. How after all these years, which to me, felt like passing decades, I'm still alive after so much agony I went through. I could take my own life and compare that to surving through some holocaust war. Except, eliminate all the people and loved ones in my life, take away the house, food, and shelter provided for me. Without those things in my life, I'm absoultely nothing. Without these things, I'm the only one who is forced to fight through this battle alone without the need of aid, sympathy, love, affection, happiness, warmth, comfort, the list goes on endlessly. I have to say I'm very lucky and at the same time I'm still very unhappy. Which is why I never should expect any of these things given to me from others because I'd just be wasting up their own time. I mean to everyone who may read this message, just look at how this person typed all of this out. Take a long good look at this post. When you read through this thread, I want you to think for a moment. Just think about what you've read so far. Could any of you honestly be, or better yet, can you see yourself around someone who is constantly talking crap about themselves, someone who's emotions take control of them, or even someone who constantly talks about how depressed they are? I mean could you really? Because I know for a fact, that when many people do read about these kinds of things, they turn away from it. No doubt in my mind, people who read posts like these from people like me will get the idea that these posts are only to seek attention or that they can't be bothered putting up with that because they'd think that these people are being childish or pussies. Well in this case, you are right, if you believe in your own assumptions.

I don't make these threads in order to get a reaction out of people or that I enjoy making people listen to my problems. I make these theads because this is truly the only place I can vent my emotions. Literally, all my life, I was forced to keep my emotions and problems to myself. ALL MY ENTIRE LIFE. Reasons why? Well, simply because everytime I do break down infront of people (even in situations one of my relatives died, my dog died, ect), they become annoyed and angered. They yell at me that I should stop crying, I can't be a baby, or that they get amused and find me wallowing as something not to take seriously. They treat it as a joking manner, just one big fat joke. So, yeah, that why I decided I'd never let anyone see me cry again. I hate that I cry and I hate when people have to see me cry. It's now made me feel awkward, embarrassed, and downright more worse than I already had been.

This wesbite is my only life saver, my only chance to let out everything that I'd felt since then and now. Once again, I'm not here to seek any attention in the threads I make, only for there to be at least some people who will listen for a moment. I'm not asking for anything more than just that. Alright, well that's enough of my awkward rant for now. Hopefully, things can improve in time... hopefully.


Well-known member
I'd be careful about making Holocaust comparisons, as that may not help you with the whole not-offending people thing.

But that's not the point. I'm glad your able to find solace in this community and the struggle with depression is something that a lot of us can relate to. If you're ever thinking of doing something drastic, I urge you to take a look at the resources on this thread.


Well-known member
Some examples of my flaws; Too slow, careless, queitness (of course), lack of common sense, I ask questions that may offend others or if the question that I ask makes the answer obvious (which is proof that I have zero intelligence and understanding), not understanding when someone gives me directions on how to do something or where to find/pick up something, being forgetful, telling others about something that happens at the last minute, ect.

People don't have the right to hurt or disrespect you because of things like these, don't let them.

I have ADHD, which means I also had all of those to some extent before treating it. I even got beaten by my own friends some times for being "slow", quiet and weird when I was a kid. It's possible that I came up with social phobia later because of awesome experiences like that, and also school.

Anyway, turns out I'm actually not slow, quite the opposite. I'm hyper, and I catch things fast, and I take initiative, and I don't take shit from anyone. And this was me all the time, it's like my brain was soaked on morphine or something.

Can you keep your focus on simple things, like reading a book to the end or keeping your room organized? It could be that you have an attention dysorder.

I really wish for your own good that it's something else though, because trust me, you really don't want to get hooked on methylphenidate, the most common treatment. It damages the body so badly that I sometimes wonder if being "slow" was so bad. It's a drug in every sense, a legalized amphetamine.


Well-known member
I'd be careful about making Holocaust comparisons, as that may not help you with the whole not-offending people thing.

Guy comes here to share his sadness about always being criticized no matter what he does, and you just had to come here to do that about the way he expressed himself as the first post? How about you being more careful next time?


Well-known member
Guy comes here to share his sadness about always being criticized no matter what he does, and you just had to come here to do that about the way he expressed himself as the first post? How about you being more careful next time?

I was worried about coming off that way, and tried to word it carefully, but it appears as though I did not succeed. I wasn't trying to criticize. Essentially, I was saying if people having negative perceptions is a problem for the original poster, I would suggest staying away from potentially inflammatory statements like holocaust comparisons. I really did mean it with the best intentions, and I'm sorry if I came across as hypercritical. Additionally, I apologize if the suggestion itself was not well-received.
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Well-known member
I'd be careful about making Holocaust comparisons, as that may not help you with the whole not-offending people thing.

But that's not the point. I'm glad your able to find solace in this community and the struggle with depression is something that a lot of us can relate to. If you're ever thinking of doing something drastic, I urge you to take a look at the resources on this thread.

Yeah, sorry I didn't mean it like that that I was offending people in the Holocaust war comparing my life to theirs or anything. I just meant that all these past years of my life, it's as if I'm finally conditioned to believe now that I'll never truly be happy because these things have happened. Not to say there's anything I can do about it. As much as I wish there was a way possible to do so, I can't go back and repair the damage that's already been done to me in the past. I don't mean to sound like a book full of cliches, but this is what it has come down to. What makes it even more scary is that I find it more easier to accept the bad things in my life rather than the good things. I'm so used to these terrible things, these horrible disasters that now all I can do is wait and expect for them to happen. It's very rare that something good ever truly happens in my life. Very, very rare. I never open up to anyone (except on here at times) about my life problems and drama because for a few reasons I'm sure would happen:

1. They'll eventually get annoyed and tired of me having to listen to me pouring out my emotions. This is one of the reasons why I don't expect sympathy/comfort from anyone. I've been through a hell lot in my life then you can imagine, that someone sooner or later will give up on having to listen to me constantly complain about how crappy my life is. This was one of my fears that I knew would drive the people around me away.

2. On one or more occasions, a lot of people find it amusing while watching me get emotional because either they try to confront me and force information out of me or they make the situation into one big laughing manner. They find me bawling out my eyes something to laugh about. They find me expressing my hurt and anger something to ridicule me about. It's mostly happens at times when I feel put on the spot and the other person tries to make me feel so low about myself. I know a lot of you might think it's easy to say "Ignore what they think of you." "Stand up for yourself." "Deal with it" And all, but if you could picture your life in mine for a moment, it actually is harder to do those things than you might think. My situation isn't exactly what you guys may think it is. I have literally been surrounded and living with people who consist of all the following traits: Stubborness, impatientience, hostile, critical, hot tempered, demanding, outspoken, and so much more I can't go on further in detail. Unfortuantely, I believe that these traits in people have led them to take advantage of me all while they expect me stand there and keep my mouth shut. Look at it this way, try having to stand up to someone when they try to make everything look like it's your fault. If you dare to even raise your voice at these people, they'll take it as offense and either call you out as disrespectful or give you the cold shoulder and never speak to you. I'm not sure how most teenagers my age have accomplished in getting away with yelling or rebelling against their parents, because if I ever yelled at my parents or swear at them, they wouldn't hestitate to kick me out of the house, luckily I should be thankful they haven't done that yet. Being around stubborn people makes it harder for someone like me to give out my opinions or hell, just say anything that doesn't come across as offensive or disrespectful to others(Not that I have disrespected others). I have to choose my words carefully towards the people I'm speaking to.

When you're around stubborn people, I believe that is what's hard for someone to stand up to them. You can't attempt to reason with them in a way that they'll understand where you're coming from. Stubborn people will stick by to their opinions no matter what and if your opinions differ from theirs, they won't hesitate to attack you. Now that puts me in trouble because not too many people I've been around or I'll come across can relate to my situations because they have no idea what it's like to go through that. I mean sure, some people probably feel bad for my situation, but what can they really do to help though other than just feel sorry for me? I'm not going to believe myself that someone out there has this magic spell that can fix all these problems and take away all this pain I'm grieving. I think those kinds of situations only exist in movies/shows, but in reality not everyone in this world you come across will be sympathetic and hold your hand throughout all the burden you carry. In fact, that's why I stated that many people get turned off by it. Many people in this world who don't go through as much serious problems, will have a much harder time relating to others who do. Let alone being there for that person constantly when he/she is down.

A lot of people without the issues/problems that the other person has, will simply give up and find new relationships to start with. They'll say that they can't handle the other person's emotions anymore, that they are tired of always being there for them, that they're tired that this person only relies on them for emotional support and reassurance, that this person never see anything good out of life, ect. For some people with disorders like SA, depression, drug addictions, or any kind of issues out there, I have to say I'm not sure how they do it, but hey somehow manage to keep their relationships with others in good shape. How the other person their in a relationship with can handle their constant depression, their unhealthy addicictions, their low self esteem, I mean I just can't believe how some people with these disorders are able to get lucky like that, as opposed to other people with those same disorders being in relationships where they most likely do fall apart at some point. I just can't fathom that. And not just with relationships, but friends too even. I don't know if I feel comfortable expressing my emotions in front of people now. To be honest, I'm actually afraid of trusting the way how anyone will react when they see me cry, because I usually expect them to laugh or yell at me for it. Because of this, heh well, I guess maybe I have learned that showing your emotions IS a sign of weakness after all from what I had to experience in my life. I feel so small and weak when I cry. And let me say, it doesn't make me feel good when I do. I'd rather cry alone privately in my room than having to be around others watching me cry. At least it's better that that's the only place where no one can humiliate me there. I just wish I had this switch button in my brain where I can immediately turn off my emotions whenever they start to happen. But it's quite hard at times. I can at least try to not allow my feelings to affect me and just not think of anything. But like I said, people shouldn't comfort me and I don't expect them to anymore. Like I said, it's okay because these things don't matter in the end. I just have to be able to move on from this and accept the things I can't change. Only accept that they've happened and to lead on towards a better future.
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