Before you knew you had AvPD


Did you deny your low self-esteem and shyness before you knew you had AvPD?

I seem to have a selective memory.


I denied to other people and always acted different, but always knew of it. When i had first asked for help with my anxiety my parents weren't surprised, but the counselor at my school and my teachers were all surprised. They never caught on that the bathroom breaks were to go puke in the restroom i guess but who knows.


Well-known member
yea. I thought school was just not for me and i didnt enjoy it. I would miss alot of days and sleep in, sometimes almost all day. I always kind of had a feeling in the back of my mind thinking that i was different in how my brain worked from everyone else. My eyes would twitch all the time and people would tell me, dude ur eye is going crazy, and i would brush it off and say yea it does that alot I dont know why. I would even say to friends, look at my eye, why the hell is it doing that. one day i came to realize i dont like being around and having to interact with so many people and in certain situations. So you can say i unknowingly denied my problem....Also ive been known for having very bad memory.
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I think OP is just fufilling his self-fufilling prophecy. I mean he believes that he have AvDP, If he keeps believing that then he's gonna keep avoiding others... I don't want to sound like a douche, but when doctor say you have this and that disorder, people just tend to beleive in that junk and use it as an excuse...


Well-known member
It wasn't possible for me to deny my "shyness" because it was always there & affected every aspect of my life negatively. As for low self esteem, based on the definition, despite how it may seem, I've never had low self esteem. I do have low self confidence, though.