So I wrote some stuff below which I do or other people I know do which helps not just by providing a distraction short term but can also make life more enjoyable or improve quality of life. Some little things can make all the difference.
1 always sleep on it
2 go for a walk or a run
3***volunteer work***(this one in particular)
4 walk your dog or someone else's if you don't have a dog,
5 join a dog walking group ( I really love dogs so it goes on list twice)
6 spend time around animals, feed the ducks, go to the zoo etc
7 Do something in nature, mountain climbing or hiking, park, whatever is accessible.
8 go for a swim or to the gym, take a spin class or aerobics or something.
9 find a project to immerse self in- painting/writing/woodwork etc create something
10 pick up a book
11 find a sense of purpose everyday -have a to do list- (realistic one) then check things off as you get through them. Even if its just get the groceries, do the laundry, put the bins out.
12 Make some longer term goals and write them down. Something in life that you have always wanted to do. However big or small. (travelling, getting a degree, whatever it is)
Research it and figure out how/what you need,make a plan, write down all the steps you would need to take to achieve it. Invest yourself into making that happen.
13 buy a train ticket or a bus ticket and go see some nature, something, depending on where in the world you are. Visit something that's been here for a long time. Sightsee for the day.
14 chocolate
15 watch puppy videos on youtube
16 pottering around the garden, growing stuff or getting a little patch to grow stuff allotment.
17 talk to someone, post on the forum, pick up the phone.
Ill keep thinkin and any other little things I think of I'll add later. Its not to trivialise- doing a bit of gardening won't fix everything but I've found that the best way I can cope with my own head sometimes is by just getting out of it.