Becoming a monster


Recently, I finished going to school full time in preparation for college. Now that school is over, I'm at home full time, and I mean full time. I don't have a job yet, see, and I have a toddler. This all leads to me almost never leaving the house. This wouldn't be so bad, except that home for me is not just my son and I. I live with two other people that have a general disregard for my well-being, my happiness and the rules I am attempting to set out for my son. I can't afford to move, because I'm barely making ends meet due to the no job issue. Social assisstance has already denied my case, and I just feel properly screwed.
All this leads to a metric butt ton of nearly uncontrollable anger. It feels like it's just sitting below the surface waiting for the slightest reason to completely boil over. I don't want to yell at my son or anyone else. I've just been noticing that I've been ridiculously irritable and there is really no point anymore that I am not angry.
Because all of my time is basically spoken for, I really have no idea how to vent all of the rage I'm trying to hold away from the people I care about.


Well-known member
Yeah you sound like youre in a pretty stressful situation. You might have to find a way to burn off that tension. Maybe watch some workout videos in the morning and do that aerobic kickboxing stuff. Also maybe find someone to confide in that wont just get under your skin more. If I can find a good listener I found that gets rid of at least a quarter of my stress.


Well-known member
That sounds really rough for you. You could start a journal here. A lot of us have them and I do think they personally can be really helpful when you feel like you're going to explode.