bdd/social anxiety/phobia.


Well-known member
New to the site so apolgies if there has already been a thread on this, but just wondering if anyone suffers with both of these?

I was diagnosed with social anxiety a few years ago by a doctor ( albeit not a very good one the therapy he utalised was useless at best) but after more research I realised that I was also suffering from b.d.d, it makes things a lot more confusing as it's hard to tell which one is the more predomenant.

I'm starting to use TEA forms as well as exposure therapy to try and aleviate this so just wondering if anyone is in the same boat and has any rccomendations ?

Cheers in advance.


Well-known member

There's a bunch of us, there are threads on BDD in the OCD sub-forum and there's at least one in SA subforum too, I think..

What are TEA forms?

There's a good book on BDD on Amazon, haven't read whole of it, just parts, seems helpful :)

PS You look a bit like Justin Timberlake - I wonder if he has BDD too? ;)


Well-known member
Ah that's good to know, least i'm not the only one i'll have a look for those other threads now :D

TEA forms are a thought conquering excersise, i've only been doing them a couple of days so they haven't had any real effect for me yet but the overwhelming response from other people seems to be really positive so i'm going to keep at it and hopefully they help, here's a link to an article about them, gives you the basic outline of what to do etc


haha thanks :) .


Well-known member
Oh and by the way was the book the broken mirror by kathryn phillips by any chance? Bought it a while ago and it does have some really helpful tips that helped me cut out a number of safety behaviours.


Well-known member
Hey Dave, I had to take a look: the book I had in mind is Feeling Good about the Way You Look: A Program for Overcoming Body Image Problems by Sabine Wilhelm PhD - I just looked at it on Amazon (if you ever bought anything on Amazon you can browse a lot :)) I like the pie chart! (You can do a search for it in the 'Look into this book' mode if you ever ordered anything from them)

Maybe there are better books out there, I just saw this one recommended at another forum, and took a look.

I looked at the TEA forms - I've seen similar in The Feeling Good Handbook by Dr David Burns, really helpful for depression or such.. I occasionally do something like this when journalling, if I remember to do it :) Can also be used in connection with EFT or TAT.

What kind of helpful tips have you found in Broken Mirror? And what kind of safety behaviours have they helped you cut out? Just curious..


Well-known member
I'll have a look at it :).

The main one that has helped me is to challenge your safety behaviours, no matter how strong the urge is to do them just resist and it will get better, taking photos and videos of myself was something i used to do every day but i haven't done it for months now thanks to the book. It sounds cliche but writing things down as well ( thoughts, experiences etc) really does help as it gives you a reference to go back to and see how illogical your thinking patterns are at times.

You will be able to get it pretty cheap on amazon ( think i only paid 7 pound) and it's definately worh it :)
Hi Dave1989,

I suffer from Social Anxiety & BDD aswell :)
I have been diagnosed with SA, but not with BDD.
But I can really relate to the symptons,
Because my appearance is an obsession for me:$
I hope I can cope with it =)

Btw you have a cool avatar! YOu look good !! =)
