baby names

i was joking lol no you dont suck ... :) i feel guilty now cos i made you feel bad ::eek:: .. im always joking around on here lol take no notice of me :)

Hah! The jokes on you, because I as well was joking...No worries on my side...

Also, Just to make this relevant, I also like the name Tegan...

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
sylvia! so you could call her sylvy for short. thats what i'd name my baby if i ever manage to steal one.
people are naming their kids crazy stuff now, like asia and india. what happens when asia goes to asia??that'd be an awful conversation. still havent run into any one named u.s. yet


Well-known member
I've always liked the name Chastity for a girl. Plus, it's uncommon, which is a good thing in my opinion. For a boy, something traditional like Thomas or Peter would be great. Based on that "list of popular names in 2009" those traditional ones are rare names, or at least will be. I'd rather a child have a less common name anyway than to think that 3 kids in their class could have the same name.
Names I think are nice

I could go on and on,but its such a personal preference,it might be worth buying them a baby book of names so they can get some ideas.Once the baby is born a name might just click or seem more right once they have her in their arms :)

You stole the name Melody from me :p
if i had a baby girl thats what i would name her :p


Well-known member

Oh gawd i could go on and on lol i feel sorry for my first born if it's a girl, she'll have hundreds of middle names lol


Well-known member
Alright, this might sound weird but I already have my children's names picked out. So, my input for a girl's name? I'd ask what the last name is but that might make you uncomfortable or if you have any middle names picked out, family names you might want to use?