Baby at 2 smokes! Shocking!


Well-known member
There was a thing on tv the other day about a boy who was 13 and smoked. THAT was bad enough let alone a 2 year old. Seriously what are the parents on?


Well-known member
My guess is it's for publicity, no doubt they'll rake in the cash once a documentary and interviews about this boy are made. There's no other reason I can think of why they would get him hooked.

I'm also skeptical about this boy's age, he does look a bit older than 2, (Maybe the cigarettes have done that to him?)


Well-known member
Im so shocked. He looks so professionally. Theres no way I can do it when I was 2. I think his parents or someone taught him. This will affect his health badly


Well-known member
in the video, it looks like he 'inhales' fast as sh!t! either he's just blowing the smoke from his mouth or i'm a slow smoker, ha.. either way, it's sad and pretty pathetic on the parent's part =/
Could this possibly be a grown man with a genetic disorder where he does not age normally?
Like the kids with that aging gene, where they look 80 but are in fact 8.

Maybe I am just an optimist but it would explain things.


There was a thing on tv the other day about a boy who was 13 and smoked. THAT was bad enough let alone a 2 year old. Seriously what are the parents on?

Yeah it's a messed up world we live in,I see 15 year old's round my estate addicted to crack,I heard about a kid at 12 being addicted to heroin and this is the uk ::(:


Well-known member
dont belive all you read in that newspaper lol , but if it is all they say then the parents should be ashamed of themselves
Things like this don't surprise me. This is just completely unrestrained market forces at work and the logical result of that. Well maybe not the economics itself, but the philosophy of chasing bottom lines/ profits at any cost.

If you study economics, this would raise some interesting questions along the negative externality / public good / freedom of choice... line of thought. Sorry, been a long time since I took economics, may have gotten the terms messed up.

But yeah... Why be shocked? If I were forced to guess, I'd say that this trend is happening all over the world, just at a slower rate. The average age of smokers keep getting lower all the time and because it's gradual, we're likely to accept it more and more. And somehow, it wouldn't surprise me at all if three decades down the road, we'll have people screaming that we should allow kids as early as these toddlers to start smoking... Because it's their freedom of choice.


Well-known member
No Brooklynn it's all good I checked the link months ago from when it was originally posted!