i find working to be extremely difficult no matter what the job is. no matter where you work you will have coworkers that you are expected to maintain a relationship of sorts with. this in itself is a lot of pressure, especially if they are cliquey, confident, and judgey.
socially i do not compute. i don't know how to joke around with people. i can ask questions, kiss ass, mirror, be totally cheesey fake and that is about the extent of my social skills. people hate that and i hate being reduced to that. but if i am in any social situation that is what i resort to doing because that is all i know how to do to cope. it is shameful.
the past year i have pushed myself to work an extremely difficult job. it is quite incredible that i lasted as long as i did. i worked as a waitress. fucking incredible. yes, i came across as mentally retarded to thousands of people but i pushed myself, forced myself to just show up every day. it is absolutely true: 90% of success is just showing up.
now i have a brand new job and i don't know if i can muster the strength to show up anymore. i do not think i can endure the humiliation of starting a new job that is so incredibly social all over again. it is painful to be watched by everyone in the restaurant and judged. i have my tail inbetween my legs the entire time and i feel like i am pissing myself.
it is such a challenge to just show up and fill out an application. but being a waitress, the pressure is unreal. i don't think i can take it anymore. i don't know what to do.
one time i had a job interview. it was in this lady's office, she was not much older than me at all. she started conducting a typical interview. i thought i was doing okay- not great, mind you, but okay. for fuck's sake- i mustered enough balls to show up at the interview, that was a big step for me alone. well, in the middle of the interview she stopped, got up and shut the door to her office. she sat back down on her side of the desk and took a more casual, personal tone. she started saying that if i ever want to get hired anywhere that i need to make better eye contact and to come across more confident. omfg. she said that the competition in the area is fierce and i would never stand a chance if i carried myself like i did. she told me that i should take a yoga class and meet people. she tried to say all of this in a kind way like she was a friend giving me advice. being socially inept and all, i just rolled with it, responded agreeingly (my typical kiss ass coping mechanism). when i got in my car i started crying. i am a grown "woman". i felt so transparent, ashamed, discouraged, literally retarded.
i do not know how to carry myself in a way to be respected. i do not have confidence. i have BALLS and endurance because i worked for the past year as a server but it is not the same thing at all. it was a year of humility. i do not think i can take such depths of humiliation much longer.
i have tried and tried and i know how awkward i come across to people. so awkward in fact that people question my mental competence. now i accept that i am socially retarded. all i rely on are phony coping mechanisms that don't work in the long run. sure they will get me through a moment with a passing stranger but it is no way to conduct oneself if you're going to have an ongoing relationship and be a respected adult.
i don't know what to do anymore. working causes me so much distress but i don't want to be that 30 year old jobless loser.