Are you tired of being a virgin due to your social phobia


Well-known member
Yeah its the pits. Relationships just not happening and it really gets me down maan. In my thirties and still no girlfriend or anything close. No one likes very shy people - I think people feel bad being around them, or start to feel awkward themselves. I could be positive, but its like saying lets be positive about getting my legs sawn off. Bit negative i know.


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Anonymous said:
Yeah its the pits. Relationships just not happening and it really gets me down maan. In my thirties and still no girlfriend or anything close. No one likes very shy people - I think people feel bad being around them, or start to feel awkward themselves. I could be positive, but its like saying lets be positive about getting my legs sawn off. Bit negative i know.
lol...that's funny....legs sawn I definately know what you are saying. All I have to do is look around or remember back to my high school days, a time which should have been one of the happiest times of my life, and I feel so crappy. Back in high school I had a fairly good circle of friends but no lady. I didn't date, I never asked a girl out on a date, and I don't recall too many girls ever showing an interest in me. Watching all the other high school kids going out on dates, talking about their relationships and what not, I really felt miserable. I feel even more miserable now when I look back on all that this miserable f******g condition prevented me from doing. And you know what? I think it gets worse as you get older. Because your peers, your friends and family members who are your age, are progressing thru life in a more normal, expected way, and you are still stuck in your shy box. Most of my friends are married and starting families; I still resemble that shy kid from high school. They are married and have kids; I'm still at the stage where I need to date and feel comfortable with the opposite sex. I'm 29 but I might as well be 14 when you consider the place I'm at in my life at this time.....uggggggh, really really frustrating...


Please don't just have sex just so you can say you'r not a virgin, when I was 18 I was really wanted to lose my virginity before I turned 19 and basically I ended up stealing my friends girlfriend which and he hated me for, but now we have split up and me and my friend are slowly becoming mates again. So basically I screwed over my friend just because I wanted to have sex, I really screwed up but I'm glad my friend forgave me.


Well-known member
is not going to cure all the ills of the world

Having sex whenever and with whomever you want is not going to cure all the ills of the world. My biological father, has a lot of friends, is not a social phobic, and has always had sex with all kinds of women, still ended up as a child molester, still looked at all kinds of porn, still went to prostitutes even when he had adult and willing women/men.


Well-known member
Some people are simply evil and will do whatever they want without thinking of how it may affect others. People that abuse children should be killed. Maybe we need to castrate these evil people so that they can never enjoy the beauty of sex. I do not care if they have sex with all the willing adults in the world, adult prostitutes and look at adult porn, but if anything involves a child, they need to be castrated. Maybe even have their hands cut off, or cut off whatever other body part they use to abuse any child or to rape any adult person.


Well-known member
i think i heard someone call my name

I'm 24, m and have had SP since i was sixteen. I broke up with my gf around the same time without having made a 'home run'. I waited till i was 20, but visiting a prostitute took away years of paranoia (i still haven't had a girlfriend since) about what it was like and the hoodoo of still being a virgin.

Its probably nothing like being with somebody you love, but it'll be a load off your mind :eek:


Active member
Virginity be damned ... do I mind I never got laid? not at all - I have more painful regrets - do I regret not holding someone's hand? not looking into beautiful eyes? Not enjoying a dance with a dream girl? Sure I do ... as long as I mind that, I couldn't care less about sex...


Well-known member

I'm waiting untill I'm like 24 to have sex. Girls don't like me because I'm not the best looking guy, but I'm proud of how Jesus made. If I could change one think about myself I wouldn't.

Girls just want to ahev sex with the pretty boys and the ugly guys are useless to them here in NorthCarolina.


Well-known member
Re: Blah

WoRlD iNdUsTrIeS35 said:
Girls just want to ahev sex with the pretty boys and the ugly guys are useless to them here in NorthCarolina.

Disagree, You don't have to be stunning to get someone into bed.
Have friends who aren't the best looking but still get laid allot. Far more than me.

Girl friends and friends have always called me cute and pretty etc but when my sp kicked in I often found myself desperatly wanting to chat to some girl but feeling to nervous to approach her.
Girls don't just go for looks. They love being talked to.
Ps Have been in North Carolina and went clubbing three days in a row and still didn't get laid!


Active member
Jarous said:
Virginity be damned ... do I mind I never got laid? not at all - I have more painful regrets - do I regret not holding someone's hand? not looking into beautiful eyes? Not enjoying a dance with a dream girl? Sure I do ... as long as I mind that, I couldn't care less about sex...

Well said !

I had a lusty girl smooch with me ...once...over fifteen years ago ( because I was the only thing warm nearby )

... but I have yet to hold a girls hand.... and I will turn 32 next month.

Still a virgin at 32 ...

Beat that you Faaaks !! Ha haa !!!!

The guys at work can't figure out why I don't want to go out to the bars to get laid with them. ( They think I'm ..... well... something I'm not ).

They can't understand why I would wait for someone special that actually loves me.


Well-known member
see its wierd..but ive found (annoyingly) i get more attention being shy then my loud mates do. people bore of the confident 'im so great' types and so i get quite a bit of attention. Some times its nice, but usually its with people i cant handle and they get offended when i dont talk to them and people think i do the 'shy' thing on purpose. :roll:
but i think its all a case of being in the right place at the right time to find the dude/chick thats right for you. that and working hard. you cant be prepared to give up after a month or two or whatever.
as for sex i think its fine with whoever, whenever, if you wanna get laid, and have the err..means (by that i mean a partner) to do so then, go ahead. Even if that means you wanna pay a prosititute. its your choice. but then, sex isnt the most important thing in the world, is it.
as for whoever was ranting on about aids, ever heard of this thing called a condom?


Well-known member
oh boy. ok .. im not imposing on anyones beliefs ok .. just my opinoin.

those of you of the opinion that you want something serious .. when you havnt even had a bf\gf before .. are going in the wrong direction. this sort of thing scares people, and all you are doing is isolating yourself further.

put yourself out there .. and when you meet someone .. take it as it comes .. and keep it light light light. trust me. then you give things a chance to develop .. or not. it dosnt work out .. find another person .. and repeat.

this way you are getting experience .. you are getting your confidence up .. and soon enough you will find someone were something more serious will develop.

and when i say getting experience .. i far from mean just sex.


Well-known member
its about time someone posted something that i totally believe./

Sex is so saturated in the media, and so the media has us all thinking that sex is good.

I am nearly 23 and still a virgin, in fact i never kissed a girl, however, i think that sex shouldn't be in public as much as it is


Well-known member
I agree w/ Colin Farrell when he says that having sex with a prostitute is like ordering pizza. theyres nothing to it. The same priests who molested children, tells you that paying for sex is a sin. The media and hollywood movies brainwashed socialphobics on ideas of love. SocialPhobics think that women want love like Romeo and Juliet, those women are the same who are inexperienced and immature. Real women who find happiness wants lots of sex.


Well-known member
DooWop said:
SocialPhobics think that women want love like Romeo and Juliet, those women are the same who are inexperienced and immature. Real women who find happiness wants lots of sex.
to an extent. a lot of women want up to say..mid twenties just having a good fuck. and lots of variety..but then..still, they will want a deep relationship at one pint. especially in their teens. from friedns ive found those who are 'slutty' in their teens with no proper relationships their self confidence goes down enormously from those who have at least one long term, or meaningful relationship.
Yes, I am :)

I am not a fan however of how mainstream and over exposed sex has become.
I somewhat think to myself if I ever have kids how will it be for them when
they grow up. Seems to me nowadays people lose their virginity at much
younger ages. So to be successful with women in the years ahead the poor
new generations will have to be experienced and good at sex from 11 and up.
That is how media portraits it and we all know how much of an impact media has.


Well-known member
I am a virgin and possibly going to stay one - and that not because of any "anxiety". It's the way I think and talk and live. In a worst case scenario, losing my virginity would require losing my self-identity.

Put your virginity up for sale!
Interestingly, male virginity is worthless. Nobody would pay for that - in fact, it is likelier that a man has to pay to lose his virginity.
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I am a virgin and possibly going to stay one - and that not because of any "anxiety". It's the way I think and talk and live. In a worst case scenario, losing my virginity would require losing my self-identity.

Are you asexual?