Are you sometimes nasty and embittered?


Well-known member
I'm becoming very bitter and i am sometimes nasty, i do things like refuse to smile at people who say hello and another thing i do is i sometimes give short one word answers when people try to converse with me. A lot of the time i'm thinking in my mind ''Get the f away from me!''.....''I'm gonna hit you in the minute!''......I'm starting to scare myself because i'm convinced that i'm going to turn into a psychopath o'r something. I often snap at my parents too, and then i feel really guilty for doing it.

I think that i have spent so much of my life alone i'm convinced that everyone hates me, and i live with self hatred which manifests as extreme frustration.

I just feel really lonely all the time::(:


Well-known member
I think its natural to get a bit bitter after being lonely so sure you wont turn into a psychopath :) I also think its because many of us don't get to express ourselves fully in the way others the frustration is probably building up inside you!

Last night I was lying on my bed thinking..its like theres another girl inside me, that only a few have seen, and she is screaming at the top of her lungs to get out....but i just keep her in there by being so quiet and shutting myself off.

Im lonely too all the time!


Well-known member
I can definitely relate to this on so many levels. I find myself snapping at people sometimes and I would feel extremely guilty afterwards. I also probably have the "he doesn't want to be bothered vibe" and I do feel that way sometimes. The good news is that it has gotten better (slowly but surely). No one is free of all insecurity and not everybody in the world is out to get you. I have felt like the world is out to get me for far too long and I am slowly making changes for the better. It definitely is challenging, but you can do it. If someone tries to make conversation with you, talk back and slowly try to build up. If you run out of stuff to say, don't beat yourself up for it.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
I get like that too. I imagine subsconsciously my little brain is reasoning, people make me uncomfortable so therefore I get angry if anyone approaches as if they are intentionally making me uncomfortable even though thats not true at all. I think its the fight side of the whole fight or flight reflex thing. The worst part is that its not like you decide to get ticked off, it just happens naturally. Although this problem doesnt lead to being a psychopath, it unfortunately makes you look like one! On a side rant, even though all the advice out there sounds easy and simple, its really an extremely hard thing we are asked to do by well wishers. Its like telling a rabbit, ok, I want you to introduce yourself to the wolf and just say hello. Thats all I want you to do. Its a small step, but you will take many small steps like this to be able to socialize with your many predators. Yeah, you know people arent predators or enemys, but evidently there is some part of the brain that is damn sure they are, or else none of us would be here.


Well-known member
I'm becoming very bitter and i am sometimes nasty, i do things like refuse to smile at people who say hello and another thing i do is i sometimes give short one word answers when people try to converse with me. A lot of the time i'm thinking in my mind ''Get the f away from me!''.....''I'm gonna hit you in the minute!''......I'm starting to scare myself because i'm convinced that i'm going to turn into a psychopath o'r something. I often snap at my parents too, and then i feel really guilty for doing it.

I think that i have spent so much of my life alone i'm convinced that everyone hates me, and i live with self hatred which manifests as extreme frustration.

I just feel really lonely all the time::(:

Recluse, I hear you... I could have wrote exactly what you just did.... I think I get angry out of frustration, depression and bitterness towards the world in general.


Well-known member
How can i converse with people when i feel so depressed i have no desire to?

RECLUSE!!! I see you have a commando quote at the bottom of your messages-great film (so cheesy but so good). I love that bit when arnie pulls of that pipe and throws it at bennett and it goes right through him :D and how does he survive getting electrocuted before that?

Anyway, I find myself snapping/being short tempered with people as well a lot (the other week I told a co-worker to f-off, I felt guilty about it all week so I brought her a present and apologised). Its best to take it with a pinch of salt and make amends when possible.


Well-known member
RECLUSE!!! I see you have a commando quote at the bottom of your messages-great film (so cheesy but so good). I love that bit when arnie pulls of that pipe and throws it at bennett and it goes right through him :D and how does he survive getting electrocuted before that?

Anyway, I find myself snapping/being short tempered with people as well a lot (the other week I told a co-worker to f-off, I felt guilty about it all week so I brought her a present and apologised). Its best to take it with a pinch of salt and make amends when possible.

Yeah lol, there's a website dedicated to one liners from all of Arnie's films, me and a workmate used to recite all the one liners at work to pass the time! Another good one from Commando is ''Don't wake up my friend...He's dead tired!'' lol

I lost it with a supervisor two times but he was a di#k who everyone hated.


I can also be like this sometimes. Most of the time i am okay, but when i feel tired or socially drained i can become very withdrawn and become nasty and snappy towards people when they try and talk to me. I hate being this way but feel like it is just a natural reaction to me feeling tired and drained. An example is when i was at Leeds festival a few weeks ago. I had been constantly surrounded by people all day, and felt really tired and withdrawn when everyone else wanted to drink and socialise. I ended up being really snappy and cold towards a few friends, then just went and sat in my tent by myself haha. I felt really guilty about it the next day too :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Sometimes I can be very nasty because I'm just not a nice person and can't be ****ed with people.


Well-known member
I can also be like this sometimes. Most of the time i am okay, but when i feel tired or socially drained i can become very withdrawn and become nasty and snappy towards people when they try and talk to me. I hate being this way but feel like it is just a natural reaction to me feeling tired and drained. An example is when i was at Leeds festival a few weeks ago. I had been constantly surrounded by people all day, and felt really tired and withdrawn when everyone else wanted to drink and socialise. I ended up being really snappy and cold towards a few friends, then just went and sat in my tent by myself haha. I felt really guilty about it the next day too :rolleyes:

People tire me out like mad. The difference between extroverts and introverts is that extroverts can't get enough human contact but for introverts it's tiring. I can't spend too much time with anyone because i get uncomfortable and their company becomes too much. I think that maybe i'm spending too much time with my parents and that's why i get snappy with them, kind of like cabin fever.