are you a single child?


just want to know as someone with social anxiety how many of you are single children? I am and my friend tries to say that contributes to it. It is true that I have almost the exact same horribly pessimistic anti social personality as my dad which is pretty much all i was exposed to as a are you a single child or did not get much exposure during your younger years?


Well-known member
In a weird way, having two older siblings contributed to my SA. As a kid, I would always hang out with them, they were my best friends, and having a brother and a sister meant I had a nice balance of everything. What I loved about the situation most was that feeling of unconditional love you only get with family. When they left home and I was left with just my mother, it became really hard for me to make friends outside of them, because nothing could compare. I wasn't accustomed to all the backstabbing and distrust among kids I barely knew because I could always totally depend on my brother and sister. I'm still pretty much that way now - I'd much rather hang out with them. The other friendships I've had over the years always felt really half-assed in comparison.


Well-known member
No, im not and im so glad i have a brother, cos hes the only one that understands me, he knows my situation and he helped me through a lot. I hope ill have the chance to pay back one day.


Well-known member
I'm not, but wish I was. I'm a huge loser compared to everyone else an dI have a big direct family. Then again, I guess my parents were lucky enough not to have a failure only son.


Well-known member
Shonen_Yo said:
I'm not, but wish I was. I'm a huge loser compared to everyone else an dI have a big direct family. Then again, I guess my parents were lucky enough not to have a failure only son.

hey you know thats not true, human beings are on an even playing field , sure their circumstances may be different to you, because everyone has their own individual interests and circumstances, just stop telling yourself your a loser and that will automatically releave alot of stress, i also have a large direct family and i know that some of the younger people my age are held in high regard like its a competition, its a disturbing thought that the oldies would have ths mentality, but to be honest i just try to ignore it, because im aware that its just wrong, sure uncles, parents, cousins, they can have their favourites, but dont use it to bring others down in the process, hang in there Shonen :wink:


Well-known member
Richey said:
Shonen_Yo said:
I'm not, but wish I was. I'm a huge loser compared to everyone else an dI have a big direct family. Then again, I guess my parents were lucky enough not to have a failure only son.

hey you know thats not true, human beings are on an even playing field , sure their circumstances may be different to you, because everyone has their own individual interests and circumstances, just stop telling yourself your a loser and that will automatically releave alot of stress, i also have a large direct family and i know that some of the younger people my age are held in high regard like its a competition, its a disturbing thought that the oldies would have ths mentality, but to be honest i just try to ignore it, because im aware that its just wrong, sure uncles, parents, cousins, they can have their favourites, but dont use it to bring others down in the process, hang in there Shonen :wink:

Actually, my parents have treated me the most generously out of all my siblings; they won't even throw me out. Although I should be :(


Well-known member
Im the middle child, but having siblings is great. They dont understand my anxety but as far as they are concerned I have gotten over my anxiety problems!