are we fighting a losing battle?

I no longer know who or what the enemy is and where the bullets are coming from. I'm feeling overwhelmingly dejected and I'm staring uphill. The damage that has been done in past years seems irreversible.


I think there is always hope even when it feels like your at rock bottom.As long as your willing to push yourself a bit,the human nature is able to endure a lot.

Speaking about Social anxiety specifically,I think it's something we might always have to deal with.But I think we can overcome it enough to the point where it doesn't run our lives anymore.


Well-known member
Eh, I've gone back and forth with this. I've gotten to the point where I convince myself there's no hope in getting better. Ever. And that I'm going to be like this forever.

I think that everybody is different. We all have a CHANCE at getting better, sure. But is everyone willing to do the work to make that change?
Speaking for only myself, I believe I can. It's just a case of finding the motivation to do it. The biggest reason why I am the way I am is due to laziness and an unwillingness to change. Consciously, I do want to change but my subconscious doesn't seem to want to. I feel safe here in my room. I don't feel safe out there. What I need to do is expand my comfort zone.


Well-known member
Okay. I don't know how to make it better. If someone would just freaking give me clear directions on exactly how to make myself better I would feel better. But then what? I'm supposed to worry about how "Oh, you can't just control yourself using directions because then you don't end up really healing." Bah, why is nothing clear? Why is **** all confused? I feel hopeless most days, because my mind is so damn complex!


If we keep our wits about ourselves, focus and take back control over our lives, then we've already won. Everything you do, even the most simplest thing, will become a sign of victory.


Well-known member
Gah. I am a failure at relationships. Usually there's a pattern. I can't call or text at first, and my best friend sits with me for about four hours trying to get me to until I cave in or the girl calls/texts. Usually we fall into a routine of texting or calling where I can't think of things to say. Often I'll ignore her. Things I say are often just things I have heard and that seem to relate to the situation, rather than what I'm feeling. For example "Do you care about me hanging out with guys so much?" "No, I think you should have friends outside of me, it's good for you, especially where I can't provide enough social nourishment for you (I hate your damn guy friends it makes me sick to see you with them why can't I just be with you and talk to you like a normal human being?)." I sort of lie in this way. I'll perceive a lot of rejection and can't handle small talk. When I'm with her I'm very reserved and formal and afraid to make physical contact. I can't decide what we should do when we're together. I get anxious-avoidant where I'll want to talk to her and be with her but I'll be afraid she is annoyed or doesn't like me and I'll ignore her on purpose. These are my problems with dating.

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
If we're talking about hyperhidrosis here (I see this is posted under the HH forum) then although so far it can't be beaten - there is no "cure" - it can definately be managed to the point where you can virtually fit in as normal. There are different quirks and drawbacks no matter how you deal with it though. My main problem these days is getting over the psychological effects of it. I still catch myself panicking going into a situation where I might have to shake someones hand - even when my hands are completely dry. I still fear being overly touchy with people in case there'll be a day when my hands won't be dry and they'll still expect it and I'm constantly "testing" my hands to check if they are in fact still dry. I'm working on getting over it and I'm positive it will come in time.


Well-known member
more and more people are talking about the problem of HH, honestly ive never actually heard anyone say anything **** about it..seriously im 37 and i have been sweating my ass off for 25 years and yet i have umm 3 exes a kid and a partner and none of them have really found it odd! the one and only time was a customer about 60 year old male asking ''are you SO warm?'' and i said ''yeah im working hard..'' seriously its not as bad as you think..actually i also worked with a chick who basically said when we were introduced ''you probably heard about me at school i have a sweaty hands problem and wore gloves during dance'' ummm noooo wtf i hadnt heard any such thing ffs and i really wouldnt have noticed a sweaty handshake or if i had i would have thought she was working or stressing but wouldnt have been any kind of big deal..actually i remember another time when i worked in theatre and the company put a cast member in a shop window in a costume to attract attention and it was so hot the glue melted and eventually they carried him out..still the only thing people said about the guy that was vaguely negative was ''he already had that sweating thing, someone else should have done it really, poor bastard.'' not a mean thing that he had HH or anything..people arent as cruel as they seem.