Are these symptoms of social anxiety?

Hello Comrades,

Recently, I've developed some new symptoms... all of which I'm not sure are symtpoms of anxiety. Can you help me out and let me know if you've experienced any of these symptoms? Any other feedback you can provide is very welcomed.

New Symptoms Include:

1.) Sensitivity to Light –

All lights, no matter the dimness or brightness, seem to bother my eyes. I can tolerate the lights, they just seem bright and they make the world around me seem like a dream.


This particular symptom is always present. In some way, shape, or form I almost always am worrying if I’m moving around too much, looking around too much, fidgeting too much, too stiff, just too too too, lol. Yet, when I’m particularly nervous this symptom becomes much more pronounced, so much so that doing the simplest thing like picking up a book, or re-positioning myself in a chair seems like a very bad thing to do.

3.) Fidgeting/Restlessness –

When I get nervous I get really fidgety. Like it I’m on drugs or something (technically I am on drugs… Trazadone, but not street drugs). If I am conscious of it I can control it, but it’s a struggle… in that moment the hardest thing to do is to is to be still.


These aren’t flashbacks per se, but sometimes I find myself thinking about embarrassing situations I’ve been in and find myself cringing or clenching my eyes without meaning to do it. It used to only happen in private, now it happens while I'm in public.

If anyone has experienced similar symptoms let me know.

Ms. Understood


Well-known member
I'd say they are all symptoms of an HSP (Highly Senstive Person), not necessarily SA as such. Though I am sure that there are many HSP's that are also Socially Anxious.
Thank you guys for the responses. (I especially liked the chocolate comment. Random = Funny). It was comforting to know other people experience similar symptoms. It lets me know I haven't really lost it... not yet at least. ;-)


Well-known member
im also very sensitive to the lights in school. And i feel dizzy.
I hope someone answers weather this have to do wit SAD