anyone who had botox can tell me how long before it works?


Well-known member
I am counting on it fully drying my hands in order for my armpit sweating to stop and feet sweating to decrease (when my palms stop sweating with ionto that's what happens, some sort of neurological/psychological connection between the three). It's been around 36 hours since my shots and the results are very minimal I can't even tell if the sweating is decreased. Thanks for any replies. Oh, and I had 50 units in each hand.



Well-known member
Do you use any additional treatments for underarms? I find Odaban extremely effective. When I first tried it around 5 years ago I sprayed a few nights, which seemed to build up a protection, so then I wouldn't have to spray it again for maybe 4 or 5 nights or even a week. If I had a special occasion that I really wanted to be dry for, I'd probably spray every night leading up to it just to be safe.

I hadn't used it in maybe 6 months because my pits don't sweat as much during the cold weather, but now it's getting warmer so I've resumed, and it's back to working great.

Good luck on the hands (my biggest problem). Going to the doctor in 10 days for that. Hopefully he knows what he's doing - I'm waiting to talk to him before I start ionto.


Well-known member
I hope it works for you soon Rexus. I guess if you do not feel drier in the next day or so it's time ti implement PLAN B.


Well-known member
Ok, so now it's been 72 hours since the injections (3 days). I still don't know how my hand sweating pattern changed so far, but the attacks seem to be less, and when they take place if I mostly feel my palm it's somewhat dry though it's not holding back the armpit and feet sweating since it's not stopping the sweating from coming 100% like ionto. It's very weird to explain. I called the Dr. telling him I want a repeat and to do extra spots but he told me you need to at least wait 10 days to judge your results. He told me it's the same for wrinkles, and palm sweating takes around ten days to get the full results. So far 3 days. I think I'll give this 7 days since ten seems a bit high. If by day 7 results are minimal, I'm going in for a repeat and extra spots. I really want this to work. Going for a treatment once every 3 months sounds like the best thing ever if it works.


Well-known member
I was bone dry for 1 year. It has starting to come back now so soon I am off for more injections and my doc say's it will probably last longer and longer for every treatment.

Remember that you dont see the full effect until 2 weeks. 72 hours is nothing.


Well-known member
thanks for the input stuckwithme! wow one year i am good enough with 3 months if i can get that. By the way, just today i started feeling a bit of weakness in my palms. This started like 30 minutes ago. Does this mean it's starting to take effect? I feel the palms are weaker/more relaxed it's a weird feeling.


Well-known member
longer and longer for every treatment? Wow i hope so some ppl were saying it loses effect so you're saying the opposite which i hope is true.


Well-known member
I actually go to the doctor that invented the treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis with Botox. So I guess he knows what he is talking about and from what I read it seems as if his treatments are more effective than the average. It seems to me as if many dermatologists and private doctors dont really know what they do.

But basically the treatment can last anything from a couple of months up to 14 months. And yes, he does say that he often hear people say that it will lose effect with every treatment but that it is basically wrong and for most people who have had success with Botox, it will last longer for every treatment.

Also, the weakness is one of the side effects of the Botox. It will disappear in a week or two.

I hope that your treatment will last as long as mine as soon as it goes into full effect.

All the best.


Well-known member
Thank you so much. I have a couple more qs if you don't mind. The Dr. did only around 20 shots in each hand and i heard this is kind of low. However, my hands are small. Still he missed the upper fingers and the side of the hand. What do you think I should do? Should I look for a more experienced Dr. that will do around 40 shots in each hand? Thank you.


Well-known member
I did go back for additional shots actually. I noticed the side of my palms were sweating and we didnt think of that at the time of the treatment. So I would recommend getting the side of the hands. If the whole hand isn't covered you run the risk of being a bit disappointed even if the rest of the hand is dry.

Also, it is good if the doctor remembers the side of the fingers. I think each injection covers an area of about 1-2 cm.

I dont know exactly how many shots are necessary, all I know is that I had many. I think you should have some patience and wait until the treatment kicks in for real and like I said, it can take up to 2 weeks, but within 2-3 days you should start to see results.


Well-known member
thanks guys.

My hands feel really weak today (96 hours mark 4 days passed) it like the weakness feel like it goes up to my arms. it's much worse than yesterday. I will notice my pattern of sweating for today. I am sure botox works for me now if done properly, so if it doesn't go as well as I want, I'll search for a really good dr. for a redo. My hands are harder to come to a sweating state now.


Well-known member
Is it possible for botox to cause some dizziness upset stomach? I also didnt mention i vomited in the morning, but i was drunk last night and took some pills in the morning without eating anything. Maybe it's that? But I rarely vomit and if I wanna vomit from drinking it's not the next day but when i'm still drunk. I'm just saying since if it can make your palms and a bit of your arm feel really weak then maybe it can cause you to be dizzy vomit? Do these effects subside as well if it's from botox. I have to say sweating still comes but the attacks are much less frequent. just like ionto, this is also starting to hold back armpit and feet sweating. However, the same compensatory sweating as ionto is there (face chest back legs) but it's still much better than the other areas and feels much more natural.


Well-known member
Personally I didn't have any problems at all. All the Botox does basically is to block the nerves to the sweating glands in the treated area. All my sweating stopped within a week and I had to use moisturizing cream! I know my doctor used some special shot on my thumb muscles to prevent weakness there. He said that it's the place where weakness usually occur.

He also mentioned that there is no compensatory sweating and I believe him. On the other hand he said - if you sweat less on your hands, you are more relaxed and sweat less on the rest of the body. It's a positiv circle. That is what happened with me at least.


Well-known member
well it's not about the treatment when it comes to compensatory sweating it's about different bodies. Some people when they block their sweat in certain places sweat from other places like my body does. It's annoying but it's still better. I can notice certain areas like the palm are mostly dry but the top of my fingers and side of the hand sweat, so I will get shots there. Thanks for the help and i'll keep you guys updated.


Well-known member
120 hours mark now (5 days). I realize that botox has strong stopping power, as in it can hold back the sweat and when you sweat it can quickly hold it back a min after. That's all I'm asking for this is really good. I won't get my fingers and side of hand done since this stopping is what I mostly care for, and the sweating is drastically decreased I dnt think anywhere other than the thumbs and side are sweating a bit, and sweat is being reduced around 80% under the armpits and a little on the feet (I'd say around 40% reduction in feet sweat).

Now the real test is to see how long this holds. I hope I'm not one of those unlucky ones who have to do it every month, that would suck I'd be back to ionto if so. I really wish I can get a good 3 months out of it and I'll be real happy. Thanks all, and yes, now I suggest Botox as well as ionto, since they're the only 2 things that worked for me with minimal annoyances (anticholinergics worked but they make you feel like a zombie). Good luck to all. <3


Well-known member
I don't get why they said it can cost up to 1000s of $s. did he use a crappy brand of botox on me? I mean I only paid $175 for both hands (50 units injected in each) and I'm from Lebanon. Could it be that botox is the only cheap thing around here? hmmm


Well-known member
For me it didnt cost a thing. I live in Sweden and here taxes pay for it. That is how our healt care is built. This is honestly one of the best countries in the world. To hell with private health care.


Well-known member
I don't get this. Today it just stopped working for me, what the hell!? I'm so annoyed and depressed again why doesn't anything just work. I'm gonna try another Dr. next week and Botox for the last time. If it doesn't work I have to somehow live with doing ionto every couple o days.