anyone skipping


Well-known member
christmas this year im skipping it and will probably sleep all day xmas day i dont feel the need anymore ill just keep it holy tho by prsying


Well-known member
I'm not skipping it but I'm definitely not looking forward to it. I don't enjoy Christmas. It's more stressful than anything. I hate the Christmas music. I hate the hell of trying to find the right gifts. I hate the family gatherings. My dad's relatives are mostly loud and kind of obnoxious so I don't really fit in. I'd prefer to just sit in the corner and be quiet. My mom's family is alright, but I'd still rather sit and be quiet and not have to talk to people too much. I'm dreading it more than usual this year because I'm so ashamed of myself for having been out of school for a year and a half and having not found a new job yet. Too unmotivated and afraid to even look. I'm really not looking forward to the inevitable "So where are you working?" interrogation. I don't want to talk about it. If I was applying and simply not having any luck, then I'd probably be less embarrassed about it and at least I'd have something to talk about. But I sure as hell don't want to admit to not having applied at all. Ugh, it's gonna suck.


Active member
im also dreading christmas this year, usually we just stay home and see just close family who live near by but this year we're going to my cousins house and theres going to be people from his work there and a bunch of his girlfriends family.. i really dont want to spend christmas with a bunch of strangers but the alternative is staying home alone and i'm not sure i could handle how depressing that would be either. its also worse because im vegetarian and people dont generally cater for me so its a bit awkward when everyones sitting around eating as much meat as possible *sigh* plus i also have nothing to say if people try to make conversation with me by asking what i've been up to.