Anyone know any good songs about SA?


Well-known member
hulkamaniak said:
REM - loosing my religion, if you try hard some of the lyrics sound like they could explain SA like

"That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough"

I dunno lol, i like to try hard to relate songs so SA

Michael Stipe was very shy when he was younger.


I always wondered about Sting from the Police, his songs always seemed to have an SA feel to them, especially:

Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
Message In A Bottle
Does Everyone Stare

Also "Every Breath You Take" and "Don't Stand So Close To Me" could be interpreted as SA-related, as well as several other songs.
remembered yet even more:

"iris" by the goo goo dolls
"alone" by blink 182
"closer" by anathema
"somewhere i belong" by linkin park
"inner universe" by origa
"rise" by origa

and a lot of songs from evanescence and some from three days grace.


Active member
recluse said:
hulkamaniak said:
REM - loosing my religion, if you try hard some of the lyrics sound like they could explain SA like

"That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough"

I dunno lol, i like to try hard to relate songs so SA

Michael Stipe was very shy when he was younger.

Yeah, he was. Watch this interview with David Letterman. He doesn't say a word.

Anyway, I think Supernatural Superserious from their newest album Accelerate relates to SA. At least it does to me.


Well-known member
There is a song that is kind of related to S.A. by ANTHRAX called: Anti-Social.

& there's "Me against the world" by Lizzy Borden...not realy about SA but about being an outcast weirdo of sorts.



"Boll Weevil" by The Presidents Of The United States Of America

Let me tell you bout a friend of mine
His name is boll weevil, check him out

Spends all day
on his big butt
And he don't ever, ever get outside
I come to visit,
I bring some sunshine
And I just spread it all over the fire
He's stuck on his big couch
Stuck in his big show
He looks at the TV and he's all right
I come from the drug lord
The local drug store
(Bug is supplied) and he's never uptight

And I wonder:
"Boll Weevil, why don't you get out of your home?"

Said, "I'm comfortable here"
Don't wanna move, don't wanna leave
I said, "Boll Weevil, get right out of your home."

Goodbye, I gotta stay
I will some other day
Bye Bye, gotta go to sleep
And let the tube shine
Let the tube shineX3

Now, I would tell you bout boll weevil
But that bug is just too scary
He's sittin' there all alone
I try to coach him out, but he would not (try surprise)
But he would not move a muscle when I tried

Make him see that the sun is shinin' outsideX4

Boll Weevil, get right out of your homeX4

Now, I would tell you bout boll weevil
But that bug is just too scary
He's sittin' there all alone
I try to coach him out, but he would not (drop his pies)
But he would not move a muscle when I tried

Make him see that the sun is shinin' outside
Make him see that the sun is shinin' out
Make him see the sun is shinin' outside X9

Come on little buggy, he's a little bug!


New member
Ok i just had to register to post this (hi by the way!). Sry if i make any mistakes, my first language is not English.
I really recommend u guys listen to Blackfield, Steven Wilson's sideproject (his main band is Porcupine tree, another great one) with israeli singer Aviv Geffen. They only have 2 albums - Blackfield 1 and 2, and they are both amazing and deal with anxiety, depression etc.
Here are some youtube links:
Blackfield - 1000 people
Blackfield - end of the world
Porcupine Tree - Lazarus

Really sad but beautiful songs. Hope u like 'em ;)


Well-known member
"creep" by radiohead is a good song & I can relate it to my SA too...though I dont listen to it that much now

The lyrics are really nice, posting a part of it-

I want you to notice
when I'm not around
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here, ohhhh, ohhhh


Well-known member
hmm, maybe, just maybe...

Radiohead:Climbing up the Walls
I am the key to the lock in your house
That keeps your toys in the basement
And if you get too far inside
You'll only see my reflection

It's always best when the light is off
I am the pick in the ice
Do not cry out or hit the alarm
You know we're friends till we die

And either way you turn
I'll be there
Open up your skull
I'll be there
Climbing up the walls

It's always best when the light is off
It's always better on the outside
Fifteen blows to the back of your head
Fifteen blows to your mind

So lock the kids up safe tonight
Put the eyes in the cupboard
I've got the smell of a local man
Who's got the loneliest feeling

That either way he turns
I'll be there
Open up your skull
I'll be there

Climbing up the walls
Climbing up the walls
Climbing up the walls

Oasis:Cast no Shadow

Here's a thought for every man
Who tries to understand what is in his hands
He walks along the open road of Love & Life
surviving if he can

Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say
Chained to all the places that he never wished to say
Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say
and as faced the sun he cast no shadow

As they took his soul they stole his pride
As they took his soul they stole his pride
As they took his soul they stole his pride

Here's a thought for every man
Who tries to understand what is in his hands
He walks along the open road of Love & Life
surviving if he can

Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say
Chained to all the places that he never wished to say
Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say
and as faced the sun he cast no shadow

As they took his soul they stole his pride
As they took his soul they stole his pride
As they took his soul they stole his pride

And as he faced the sun he cast no shadow