**Anyone in Vancouver BC?**


i know i asked this before many time..but jeez why don't they answer?! i know there must be at least 1 other person from BC.


Well-known member
Hello, I am not posting to make you feel bad just to help you out to make things easier. You actually can find your old posts that you made about this topic and *bump* them up. When you reply to your own threads just say something like *bump* or anyone looking? I am still looking for some people. Your old post will then be on the front page again. That makes it a lot easier so you don't have to keep making a new thread, they kind of clutters up the forum a bit. (Hopefully that's not coming across as rude, not trying to be.)

Also, this is a site full of socially anxious people. I know that you are going through a really rough time with feeling lonely and not knowing anyone but sometimes someone aggressively posting looking to meet people in person can make others back off and run away. It is kind of something that we are all used to doing when we are faced with a scary situation. I think you should focus on chatting with people, responding to posts and making online friendships before you jump into asking people to meet. Meeting someone is quite scary, not everyone is quite ready to move to the next step as you are. Although it's great that you are making the effort, not everyone is there and they aren't going to be comfortable with responding to your posts knowing that you plan on meeting in the near future.

I remember you once said that you found a group on meetup.com that had over 100 people in it. I know that seems like a really big number, but I REALLY think that you should try that group. You can join in on the group for the first step. Joining a meetup group on the site doesn't force you to go to the actual meet up itself. So if you join the big SA group on there, you can get notifications on when they are doing meetups. I would imagine that an average of only 5 people go to each one. I know that I looked at some in my area and one had over 300 people but only 2-3 people went to the actual meetups. So just because there is a big number doesn't mean that there are going to be a lot of people. Usually, it's the same group of people going, so you can kind of get comfortable with them. From what I saw when I looked, they normally do small things like meeting at coffee shops or going to a movie so it's nothing too daunting. So, going to say it again, I REALLY think you would benefit from joining the SA group.