anyone here hide


Well-known member
behind glasses , when im feeling a little anxious i love it when the suns out so i can put sunglasses on , its not very often i feel the need to hide behind glasses but as i said i do tend to hide behind them sometimes ...... or this is weird if someone else is wearing them and not me it helps as well ... guess its an eye contact thing :)


Well-known member
Yeah im going to try that when it gets sunny. Also though thats why i love going to see 3D films, because i feel like im hiding so i feel much more relaxed in the cinema.


Well-known member
Yeah im going to try that when it gets sunny. Also though thats why i love going to see 3D films, because i feel like im hiding so i feel much more relaxed in the cinema.

3D 3D :eek: hey go see avitar on 3d its great gazza can for deff recomend my eyes were popping out of my silly head it was great :D

Kanye West

Well-known member
Sunglasses are a very effective tool for reducing anxiety until you take them off and they leave those rings around your eyes. As long as you don't wear those retarded oversized celebrity ones then your good in my book.


Well-known member
Sunglasses definitely help with the eye contact thing. I do feel more comfortable with sunglasses on.
I change shapes just to hide in this place, but I'm still, I'm still an animal.

nobody knows it but me when i slip , but i slip, I'm still an animal


Well-known member
Yeaaaah! :) i did race for life 5K run in 2007 (although i walked lol), and i wore sunglasses the whole time and i felt great! I felt like i was hiding and nobody could see me blushing lol.


Well-known member
Yeah, all the time and it’s almost the fashion, they said wearing glasses in general is the trend and even people without prescriptions are wearing them maybe I should get some with a strong tint.:)


Well-known member
I'm always hiding behind something, if it's not glasses it's a hat. I feel better being out when people can't see me properly :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Love wearing sunglasses - even when it's not really that sunny. I've tried to convince myself that it was because my eyes were sensitive to the light....but I'm thinking maybe it's really the "hiding" thing like you said.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
there's a hole in the universe somewhere, and it has every pair of sunglasses ive ever bought in life, because i cant go more than two weeks with out losing those suckers. maybe its because of this cloak of invisibility and hiding that you folks are talking about