Anyone have an excercise routine?


Well-known member
I notice that i base a lot of my self esteem on whether i've excercised o'r not. When i was unemployed i'd got into a routine of doing weight training at home every other day but since i've been working again i just can't find the motivation. I was meant to workout tonight but by the time i'd eaten and everything it was 8:30 pm and i went to the garage and i thought ''Nah i'll give it a miss!''....Even though my job is not at all physical by the end of the day i am exhausted....My body aches and i feel like i'm going to fall asleep any minute.

Nowdays i only workout twice a week at the most and Sunday being the only day most of the time. I end up feeling guilty for not excercising and my already low self esteem is even lower.

I think that being anxious all day at work drains me of energy...I mean i probably burn off hundreds of calories just being anxious.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I get pretty good exercise working on the ranch lately, but I've also been thinking about getting a Wii for the 'Wii fit' thingy. I've heard from several people it's great for keeping it interesting.


Well-known member
I've been working out a lot recently just at home though and i've been feeling a bit better because of it, i do 1-2 hours a day (which is good for me because i'm a lazy mare!) I feel like i've achieved something when i'm finished and i'm also looking better which is a bonus!


Well-known member
I try to workout as often as I can. I have plenty of time to do it but some days I just don't feel motivated enough and without motivation it's very hard to do anything.

I also feel bad if I miss a workout. It doesn't help either that I usually miss workouts when I'm in a depressed mood anyway. The best advice i can give is to do something, anything really, even if it's just to give you a feeling that you did alot so you don't feel worse. Even if it's just for 10 minutes or so. Just do some pushups or situps for 10 minutes. You just have to do something to keep the rhythm going so you don't quit exercising completely.
I run 3.7 miles every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I also do 30 minutes of pilates everyday. If I don't do my workout routine I just feel like crap.


Well-known member
Yes,I have a pull,press and squat style routine with some other fun stuff added in,do cardio whenever I can,my job is demanding so I miss some days,I feel that if I eat correctly and healthy,following my diet, I dont really feel bad about missing a day.


Well-known member
I don't really have a routine, I just go on the treadmill for about half if I feel like it and I have recently started doing the wii fit which makes working out a little more fun. But I do need to lose weight and I think having some sort of routine rather than just working out when i feel like it should make it easier to stick to and I might actually lose weight.