Anyone from Ireland out there?


New member
Hi there...
Just came across this site. Yes i am from Galway Ireland.... If anyone from Ireland see's this message please email me. it would be nice to talk to someone else with SA. email is [email protected]
Hey everyone! I'm from Limerick.
Just found out after at least 15 years of suffering that I have SA...
I thought i was just strange.
I'd say my worst thing would be my horrible terrifying fear of eating in front of people, and inability to maintain eye contact..
It started in senior infants i think. I'm 21 now...

Hoping to sort myself out once and for all!
Cant travel to the Mater though, especially on a Tuesday... :(
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Hi everybody,
Im new here, Im 22 and from Dublin, its great to have found a forum like this!
It's only recently that I've actually found out what social anxiety is, and it completely describes what Ive experienced over the last few years.
I dislike being the centre of attention, sometimes I will just blush for no reason, feel very uncomfortable in large groups and actually dread eating in front of other people, always feel like I am going to choke or something. There are loads of other things but they would be the main ones.
Sometimes it feels horrible and all I want to do is just hide in my room!!
But just have to take it day by day, its definitely not as severe as it was a year or two ago, I keep pushing myself into new situations and learning from them.
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New member
Hi everyone ,
Im 22 yo french guy living in Dublin ,
I only fond out about SA recently, I just thought i was extremely shy.
Its great to have a site like this and to know that there are others that go through the same things .
I only have a few friends that i made in school a few years back and find it really tough socialising .
Some of my biggest fears are talking on phone with strangers , bumping into someone i know on the streets or being around a small group of people .

Unregistered Dude


Im a male living in Wicklow, 24yrs old..

I have a gf and a few ''mates'' but no real friends!

Its so difficult to make new friend imo, so what every1 doi for the wknd any mad plans??