Anyone else think theyre not good enough to go be around other people?


Well-known member
^ I should edit what I wrote there because i've decided i'm going to take more chances. :)

That's exactly how i felt before i talked to the girl who is showing interest in me i had excepted that i was to delicate to be like other "normal" people and have a so called "normal" life. But now i am all confused because i have taken a big risk and i feel so vulnerable and to make matters worse i find out she has issues like mine and also has experienced a very bad relationship in the past which makes her extremely cautious which i can understand, but, and sadly there seems to always be a but, this increases the chances of me getting extremely hurt, because chances are even though i know she has pretty strong feelings for me, she may not be ready to take the leap of faith and run away because shes scared which in turn will leave me pretty much in pieces and completely broken hearted, i mean 18 month is a long time to talk with someone online and txt i know its not, "real life" but in a way it is there is still communication which allows for a connection to be built. But i get what you are saying completely....

I'm sorry that this is happening to you, and I understand how you feel completely. Have you talked to her about these feelings and have you explained how you like her for who she is? Maybe she just needs reassurance. If she really cares about you she'll put her fear aside for you, I know it. :)
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Well-known member
Well! I think I've always had problems with the way I portray myself around others, I used to act like an entirely different person just so I would feel accepted. All that because I was uncomfortable with myself around others. This sort of behaviour really prevented me from being as social as I would have liked during high school, which in turn is affecting my life now in MAJOR ways.

I've only learned recently when it comes to making friends... to remember to be myself, and that I really have nothing to be afraid of. Because when I think about it, I have nothing to lose. If someone doesn't like me for me then... too bad, they were never a potential friend in the first place, right?


Well-known member
I don't feel good enough for anyone, that's why i've never had a girlfriend. It's ironic because shy people are accused of being snobby by some people but it couldn't be further from the truth, i feel inadequete and inferior.