Anyone else have trouble hearing over background noise?

Wow, I didn't know this had a name- I definitely have it. I've almost learned to lip-read, because it's nearly impossible for me to hear what a person is saying if there's any background noise going on... on the rare occasions that I'm in a social setting like this.

johnny 85

Well-known member
Does anyone else have trouble listening to others over background noise, like in a party setting or anywhere around loud noises? A term they call this is Cocktail Party Syndrome.
I have some of the worst trouble in bars, clubs, or anywhere in large groups of people talking at once. This makes me more anxious and embarassed because I don't actually hear what the other person is actually saying. I sit there almost straining to listen to the person and only sometimes have them repeat what they said, but hate always asking them to repeat it so I let it go and reply as casually as I can and hope for the best.
I can tell I have a problem because others are responding back and forth like it's no problem in the same settings.

im starting to love this site. i know exactly how u feel. im gonna have to google that name (cocktail party syndrome). when im out in the pub or nightclub i find it impossible to have a conversation as i cant hear a bloody thing and yet somehow all my m8s have no problem chatting away! if someone is chatting to me and i cant hear wat there sayin i kinda just nod at the appropriate time. they could be telling me there dad died and i ll im doing is nodding away like an eejit , lol. i never realized this condition had a name. great find m8 !!
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Yes, same here. Other noise issues I have - I am kind of scared of loud people, the way they talk, laugh, walk or do stuff, it suck all the energy out of me and disturbs me. I get startled so easily by loud noises on the street (ambulance etc.) And yes, when there is a loud background noise, I have hard time concentrating on anything. I prefer peaceful and quiet surroundings. And also myself I behave very quietly and try to make as little noise as possible. And if I do have to speak in some unavoidable situation, I speak very quiet and people have hard time understanding me, which makes me even more insecure.


Active member
i have terrible hearing when more then one sound is going on at once. it sucks. it sucks badly when you are trying to joke with people.. a joke isnt so fun if someone has to repeat it lol


Well-known member
lol same problem here. I am even going to doctor for ears in 2 weeks. Any idea if this is possible to fix? And how does it happens that u get this "cocktail party syndrom"? Coz yeah, when silence i hear everything normal but when there is background noise, i hardly understand anyone and always need ask to repeat. Really annoying. Possible i got this from to much listening to music?


Well-known member
Yes I definitely have this problem, and I too don't ask anyone to repeat themselves beyond the first time, and I also just wing it and hope that I don't respond like a total moron... I know what caused my problems though... Too much gun fire and fireworks! I can remember having my ears ring for over 2 days straight because of loud abrupt noises like gun fire or fire works... Then I also have Eustachian tube dysfunction which doesn't allow the tympanic membrane to freely move and when the middle ear is full of fluid it can really damage the inner ear....
I'd like to add that while I don't think that this condition caused my SA in the first place, now that I think about it, I do believe it exacerbates it. Even at family gatherings where I might possibly be comfortable enough to talk in a group setting, I stay quiet because I simply don't catch on to everything that is being said, and I don't want to sound like an idiot and say something out of context, or be annoying and ask to have things repeated numerous times. I do often feel left out of jokes, because when I miss part of it, asking to have it repeated just isn't the same as hearing it in the moment... and I've stopped trying- if people laugh at a joke that I missed, I just let it go. And the fact that I have to concentrate so hard to have a chance of hearing everything that is said makes it difficult to contribute to the conversation as well... again, I think I've pretty much stopped trying- it takes way too much effort. I don't think it has to do with hearing loss... I hear fine when there is little to no background noise and/or when I'm just talking to one person.

This reminds me of an incident when I was in preschool- I don't remember, but my mom told me about it. They actually had my hearing checked at that age because my teacher thought I might be deaf- I wasn't responding right away when she would call me- like when we (myself and the other kids) were busy playing and carrying on... I was either lost in my own little world, or my ears just didn't filter out or focus on her voice. So I've probably always had this problem.