Anyone else have any crazy things you want to do if you dont find someone soon?


Well-known member
No it was a stranger in a store type thing. We were looking for the same thing at the same time and we joked about it a little. I may have been imagining the window anyway. Desperate guys like me tend to think females are doing us a huge favor by even talking nicely to us or touching us on purpose. The 'window' could have been in my head, but i felt i could have at least tried something in that situation if i had the balls.

I'm the same kind of desperate, and I've noticed lately that each girl i see i think likes me too, and each time I just go for it I've gotten their number, now actually calling them is another story but I highly doubt you'll get turned down. And yeah the woods were awesome, but you just can't beat air conditioning and getting your water from a sink instead of building a solar still to get it from the dirt :/


Well-known member
There are plenty of late bloomers who are turned down because they're virgins in their mid twenties. Often the dates have been great, and when the appropriate moment comes and she learns that he is a virgin, she's turned off because she thinks virgins are losers. If she's a bitch, she'll tell the guy right away that "he's a loser"; if she doesn't have the heart to do that, she'll say that she doesn't want to be remembered as "his first time".

Yes it is right that it "can" happen but it is not 100% that it "will" happen.

Girls are different. They are not the same all of them.

There will be a risk in every part of life, but if you are affraid of the result, you can never take any chances.


Well-known member
To the people desiring love, sex and a relationship - things aren't always as they're made out to be. There's more to things than may meet the eye originally. Just remember that. Even relationships can cause a lot of stress, anxiety, even depression after ups/downs. There's good in them too, though, and they give you life experience.

It may be hard to do, and I'm perhaps guilty of not doing this as often as I should, but be grateful for what you have. The small things add up.

Crazy things I'd like to do? I'll come back to that at some time. My mind is forever changing in desire and objective, they're just simple things that I want to do. I've never been out of the ordinary crazy with my ideas.