Anybody else have nightmare problems?


Well-known member
I've had nightmares every night for the past three years. I was wondering if anyone else shared the issue or if anyone had advice on how to cope with them.


Well-known member
I wouldn't exactly say i have nightmare problems, but i do experience very vivid dreams every night and it's happening for a number of years now. when i do have a stress or fright inducing dream it can be very exhausting and taxing mentally.

what type of stuff do you usually dream about? it could be linked to post traumatic stress and unresolved emotional issues.

i guess the best way to cope with them is to understand the cause and then try to work over them, and perhaps in time they will pass.
yup, though therapy has helped me a lot. It's much less than it used to be. Sometimes I still get pretty bad nightmares. Just the other morning I woke up covered in deep scratches and nail marks, :( luckily none to the face. It happens much less than before.


Well-known member
I don't dream of the same things. Usually they're random stuff, sometimes I might be getting attacked by bees. I'll be getting stabbed. I've seen myself put a gun to my head. Getting kidnapped. Or the usual of getting chased by someone or something. I remember most of them. I'll wake up with bloodshot eyes and a headache. I wake up at least three times a night (I don't know if that's normal or not). I have noticed that they get more intense the more stressed I am. I had a counselor tell me about PTSD, but if I had that I would be dreaming the same thing every night I've heard.


Well-known member
yup, though therapy has helped me a lot. It's much less than it used to be. Sometimes I still get pretty bad nightmares. Just the other morning I woke up covered in deep scratches and nail marks, :( luckily none to the face. It happens much less than before.

I've never injured myself in my sleep before as far as I know. I hope they get better for you.


Well-known member
Its depression. It causes you to dream more than normal.
The Link Between Depression and Dreams | dream studies portal

When you wake up, you forget most of those dreams but you feel like you have not rested even you slept long because you are fighting hard in those nightmares.

Thanks for the link, it was very informative. I was diagnosed with major depression when I was 15. However, I do remember my nightmares when I wake up. I don't forget them.


Well-known member
I also tend to have bad dreams. I think it's a refection of feeling helpless and depressed in my daily life.

Do you just deal with them or have you ever done anything to try to stop them? I do agree with you on how it has a lot to do with how we feel inside.


Well-known member
I have both really bad nightmares and night terrors. Sometimes I scream bloody murder in my sleep and get up and run around the house. Or ill try to fight somthing only I can see.

I can relate!


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I've had nightmares every night for the past three years. I was wondering if anyone else shared the issue or if anyone had advice on how to cope with them.

Try looking into meditation, Zen Buddhism, and lucid dreaming techniques. In most of my dreams, it's like I'm the director of a movie now. I can also fly at will.

Unfortunately, it's been decades since I taught myself these things--I rarely think about it at all, at least while I'm awake. Couldn't give you any specific pointers.


Well-known member
I have both really bad nightmares and night terrors. Sometimes I scream bloody murder in my sleep and get up and run around the house. Or ill try to fight somthing only I can see.

I can relate!

I don't believe I have night terrors! Those sound awful! I just wake up with my heart racing and sweating.


Well-known member
Its depression. It causes you to dream more than normal.
The Link Between Depression and Dreams | dream studies portal

When you wake up, you forget most of those dreams but you feel like you have not rested even you slept long because you are fighting hard in those nightmares.

yes i have depression too, and it definitely could have something to do with my dreams.

Thanks for the link, it was very informative. I was diagnosed with major depression when I was 15. However, I do remember my nightmares when I wake up. I don't forget them.

i tend to remember what i dream about as well. i have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, i'm not sure if it's linked to my dreams or not. but the dreams you mentioned earlier seems to be a general fear of harm, instead of a specific fear or phobia. so perhaps it could be general anxiety related. i was hoping to go to a sleep clinic, but i'm a bit anxious as to what they may find wrong etc. perhaps it's an option you can look into.


Well-known member
Try looking into meditation, Zen Buddhism, and lucid dreaming techniques. In most of my dreams, it's like I'm the director of a movie now. I can also fly at will.

Unfortunately, it's been decades since I taught myself these things--I rarely think about it at all, at least while I'm awake. Couldn't give you any specific pointers.

I'll look into it! Thanks! :)


Well-known member
Do you just deal with them or have you ever done anything to try to stop them? I do agree with you on how it has a lot to do with how we feel inside.

I just deal with them. I don't know how to stop them. Mostly, they're not scary. But, the dream always consists of something happening to me that I don't want or like. And when the dream is really bad I wake up exhausted.

Why can't I have nice dreams?


Well-known member
yes i have depression too, and it definitely could have something to do with my dreams.

i tend to remember what i dream about as well. i have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, i'm not sure if it's linked to my dreams or not. but the dreams you mentioned earlier seems to be a general fear of harm, instead of a specific fear or phobia. so perhaps it could be general anxiety related. i was hoping to go to a sleep clinic, but i'm a bit anxious as to what they may find wrong etc. perhaps it's an option you can look into.

I also have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. Once, my doctor wanted me to go have an EEG done. I chickened out, though. I'm also afraid of what they'll find wrong. I'm thinking about doing it though.


Well-known member
I just deal with them. I don't know how to stop them. Mostly, they're not scary. But, the dream always consists of something happening to me that I don't want or like. And when the dream is really bad I wake up exhausted.

Why can't I have nice dreams?

i know what you mean. i go through pretty much the same. once in a blue moon i have a really good dream though.

I also have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. Once, my doctor wanted me to go have an EEG done. I chickened out, though. I'm also afraid of what they'll find wrong. I'm thinking about doing it though.

even though i am apprehensive i think eventually i'm gonna have find the courage to go and get my head examined :p it's definitely an option and if things don't improve i think you should perhaps take the EEG or go to a sleep clinic.


Well-known member
I just deal with them. I don't know how to stop them. Mostly, they're not scary. But, the dream always consists of something happening to me that I don't want or like. And when the dream is really bad I wake up exhausted.

Why can't I have nice dreams?

Some people have posted some helpful ways to cope with them. Maybe they can help you too. :)


Well-known member
i know what you mean. i go through pretty much the same. once in a blue moon i have a really good dream though.

even though i am apprehensive i think eventually i'm gonna have find the courage to go and get my head examined :p it's definitely an option and if things don't improve i think you should perhaps take the EEG or go to a sleep clinic.

I'm definitely considering it. Thanks!