anybody else get this


Well-known member
yea i dont sleep that well at the best of times, sleep or to put it better going to bed time is when i do most of my reflecting on past events both recent and old, when i do sleep its like al the crazy thoughts have been building up while i slept and then all 7 hours (if im lucky lol) of crazyness hit me at once which results in a lot of anxiety i then get stuck into my daily rituals.
I tend to do it at that time too. I think this is because it is one of the times when we are most alone, and have nothing else to to distract ourselves from. So instead we just get completely lost in all these obsessive thoughts.


sometimes, i have bad dreams and sometimes because of my thoughts i dont sleep well and i m getting up in the morning tired and with a lot of anxiety.


Well-known member
IcarusUnderWater said:
i find that when i "wake up" i am actually just really tired and relaxed. So then it's like i have to sleep again to get any benefit.
:? same here.
I should be sleeping right now, I have to wake up for school in 6 hours :D tomorrow morning I'm gonna hate myself for being so late on the net. I'm the most active and happy in the evening and at night because every day feels like a "mission" (you have to make progression in your social situation, make friends, be friendly, have fun, do your homework,... and at the end of the day It feels like I've "won", unless I had a really bad day of course). In the morning I'm a wreck, thinking about all the things that I'll have to 'win' that day.
sleeping problems and constant tiredness are very related to depression etc.


Well-known member
It happens to me also, I get so frustrated when, even as i'm tired, I get this annoying anxiety right b4 bed. These days I'll get 4 hrs at night and maybe a 1 hour nap during the day.