Any Advice???

Ive been playing bass guitar for about 5 years now and i have just been asked to be in a band. I already know that the whole being-in-a-band thing is going to cause me a lot of stress but i think it might be worth meeting new people and taking my bass playing to the next level. The only problem is that the girl who asked me to join just gave me a piece of paper with her phone number on it. This is a problem because i have a really hard time with calling people that i don't know. I always get so worked up that i just sit there by the phone contemplating on weather to suck it up or just say "screw it". It seems there is no other option and I know i will want to kick myself if i let this oppertunity go with out even checking into it, so I could really use some advice, I don't know what kind there is to offer in this situation, but i could really use some. oh and sorry that this thread is kind of hard to follow but im really tired right now.

Off The Wall

Well-known member
I have the same problem with Phones.. i sit by them for hours picking up.. dialing then hanging up straight away.. finally once i get annoyed enough at myself i just call and it's never really as bad as i expected.

Just try not to think about it too much that always makes it soo much worse, I'd say call you definately will be kickin yaself if you don't! First step to recovery!! Good Luck!

Write back and let us know what happens!


Well-known member
Just go for it man, if you dont then your going to regret it.
As for calling the girl, you've already met her so shes no stranger :)

I know if I get the opportunity to be in a band I'm taking it.

Off The Wall

Well-known member
Being in a band just gives you 100 extra coolness points! lol..

if only i had some form of musical talent... i'll stick to being the groupie i guess.


Well-known member
Do it, do it...anyway aren't band members meant to have that cool, moody, leave me alone man vibe haha :D

I think the music will make it easier to interact.

Is it a mobile number....maybe you could text??? I hate calling people too...I pt it off and it really gets me in trouble.

Infact recently I was looking on a government website about help for gave all this info and then at the end said call for an appointment or more info.....WTF...i can't call i have SA, just like the article was describing....made me laugh though :D


Well-known member
Nike is a terrible corporation with a great slogan: Just Do It.

Heck, if things don't work out, oh well! If the girl gave you her phone number, then she does know who you are, although she doesn't know you, but the conversation will flow well because she wants to know more about you and probably would like to have you come try out at the very least.

As you noted, this is a great opportunity for you to grow and develop as both a person and professional. This is a great risk to take, and if it doesn't work out, something else will. Your anxiety will get better and better as you take more risks like calling up a stranger and trying out for a band!

The funny thing is, I'm a lot like you. Making the phone call is the hardest part of the whole ordeal, while you're not even worrying about what might happen after that, like the outcome of the tryout if you were to get one. Go for it and be sure to let everyone know how it goes!