Any advice on how to overcome shyness without ALCOHOL???


New member
I am 19 years old and I have been dealing with shyness all my life. I honestly don't know if it qualifies as social anxiety disorder. I am still a college student and it's hard for me to start or hold conversation with classmates. I struggle a lot with presentations and after 3 semester, i still don't have any "friends" in the class. I am not an alcoholic and alcohol really taste bitter. Although after a few drinks,i find it that alcohol reduces my inhibitions, making me more confident and bring out my true self. I become more social,hold up conversations, and have a really good time. Unfortunately, this feeling wears off as i become sober so i was wondering if there are any ways to maintain that level of confidence without the use of alcohol ??? Any help would be appreciated


Well-known member
Work on the things you dislike about yourself in order to become more confident without the need to resort to alcohol. Then, exposure, exposure, exposure, and telling yourself that the reasons for your social anxiety are not rational.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I hate to sound like this is my constant refrain, but you really should speak to a therapist.

Tell them you have shyness that's severe enough to restrict your ability to enjoy life and function. When a trait causes you this much trouble, when you have to self-medicate to deal with it, it's not just shyness.


Well-known member
I honestly not sure what to tell you since I'm also like that. Just try to change your behavior by talking to people you have in you class. I've tried that and it somewhat works.


Well-known member
I don't have any solutions for you, but just remember that if you are able to do something drunk, in the very least you have the ability to do it sober as well. Being drunk just lowers those inhibitions, if you find some other way to break them down you can converse as easily as you do drunk, and probably a little more elegantly ;)


Are insecurities the root of your shyness? Maybe find out what can make you more confident, then it will be easier to talk to people. Look people in the eye more, if you don't already do that.

For some reason, I always get nervous I have bad breath, so I feel more confident when I carry around very strong mints.


Active member
Diminishing shyness is a journey; it's not unlike getting in condition, losing weight, trying to eat healthier- it's a try-try again process. Shyness IS social anxiety. It involves you relearning healthier ways of thinking that support your efforts, better communication skills, body language that is appropriate for the situation you're in, reinforcing your attempts with rewards- verbal and tangible. Relaxation techniques will help with the physiology of anxiety- that's where the alcohol kicks in. You've already observed that bringing down the adrenaline cools the processes, but it's too darn dangerous to use that approach. There's a correlation between drug abuse and anxiety. Use your counselors on campus if they have them- they will be less expensive. Shyness can be unlearned and life will be so much more enjoyable for you. Never give up!


Well-known member
you could take the angry route. learn how to get mad and give in to anger, and use it to give you confidence to do stuff. you'll probably ruffle a lot of feathers and generate a bad image, but at least you'll be socializing more.

this is the only other quick fix besides drugs and alcohol. otherwise, do what everyone else is saying :thumbup:


Well-known member
Practice. It sucks and you don't wanna do it but it gradually helps

I like the idea of anger. That sounds fun