Anxious about answering door on Halloween?


Well-known member
I worry aboot answering said door on Halloween.

Its like a part of me want to be nice and answer the door and give the children candies, but another part of me just wants to stay in my room.


We had about 50 kids knock between 5 and now (9:30pm). I was the only one in so I was up and down the stairs from my comp to the door all the freaking time. The funniest one was this kid who rang the doorbell and when I opened he didn't say anything, just stood there looking at me in his mask lol. Gave out milkyway's, milkyway stars and toffees this year.
Just shine it on. Kids will still get lots of candy, your little bit wont matter. Its up to you whether you wanna bother or not. I personally just ignore the whole thing.


Well-known member
Yes, I'm even afraid of children. Although it's been unusually calm around here today. Usually it starts around 1:30 and pretty much tails off after dark, with some of the older kids coming until about 8:30. But between the elementary school down the street having closed, it raining on and off all day, and the Phillies game tonight, it's been pretty dead this year.

I guess I'll just have to eat these Peanut Butter Cups, Kit-Kats, and Skittles myself.



Well-known member
I'm lucky, mum dealt with all the kids coming around for sweets! i just stayed in my room thing "GO AWAY" lol if i wre here on my own i wouldn't/couldn't answer the door!