anxiety vs depression


Well-known member
Which is worse and why?..I've had both but igotta say least with depression your not always on edge and feeling like a nervous wreck.


Well-known member
Disagree. had anxiety for years. At least it goes when your not in an anxious place. Depression was must worse for me. Anxiety I learnt to control. Depression override all my coping strategies.


Well-known member
Disagree. had anxiety for years. At least it goes when your not in an anxious place. Depression was must worse for me. Anxiety I learnt to control. Depression override all my coping strategies.
How did you learn to control it?

For me it's mainly anxiety especially when it comes to relationships and my (in)ability to create a proper life for myself.. Being depressed is a 'side effect' which isn't great but I know it could be worse.


Well-known member
My anxiety has always been more severe than depression. So for me anxiety is worse. Wouldn't want to have severe depression.


not actually Fiona Apple
I wouldn't say one is worse than the other. Throughout a lot of my life the two have tended to flip flop as to which is more, er, pronounced you could say. I'll have phases of my life when depression is the issue I need to focus more on, and then I will have phases when its the anxiety I have to focus on. I don't think either one ever completely disappears, but one usually overshadows the other.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Depression can kill you. Anxiety makes your life hell.
Anxiety can lead to depression.. depression can lead to anxiety.. hmm.. :unsure:


Well-known member
For me depression is worse as it has taken a hold of my life, as I have gotten older I have withdrawn more and more from people. Anxiety is more in the background, however if I try anything new then the anxiety goes into overdrive. In my opinion anxiety and depression creates an almost escape proof prison cell.