Anxiety Rap 2


Well-known member
Wow that was awesome! I'd love to read some more and I'm sure others would enjoy it as well. Do you keep a journal or something or a diary type of thing and write a bunch of them? Some people write their poetry down, I'm not quite familiar with the way aspiring rap artists work in terms of jotting things down and such. When it comes down to it I guess it is poetry...anyway keep up the good work.


Well-known member
lol no problem. I enjoy writing as well. I am extremely fascinated by words and I actually like to read dictionaries and look up words. When I write I'm always feeling down; the words just come to me easier I guess.


You've got a way with words, VOKER. Do you write the beats, too? Or the beats behind the rhymes still in your head? Which comes first, the beat, the rhyme, or the idea?

I'm a guitarist and a sonwriter, too. My songs come out of jamming, mostly. It's one of the few things in this life of mine that actually makes me smile. I'm still too overly-critical of my own skills, but I still impress myself here and there.

In your opinion, do you think disorders are the price artists have to pay for their talent? I think there is only so much "stuff" that makes a person. If there is a deficiency or something is wrong somewhere in our makeup, there is extra of something else, or something is extra right somewhere else. I think we just need to find it. If that makes any sense.

Keep at it!


Guitar is one of the hardest instruments to learn, so I'm told, so have a lot of patience with yourself.

Me? I'm 20 years into it. I still suck. LOL