Anxiety/depression hair loss!?


Well-known member
Ok this is really really hard to admit too and I wasnt sure whether to post or not but its scaring me and getting me really down.Please dont laugh or say anything nasty :(

Does anyone know if Anxiety or depression can cause hair loss?.If so is it temporary!?.I started losing a rather big clump of hair on the left hand side of my head and im only 23!.Began noticing it thinning about 2 months ago but it excelerated really quickly so that when i was showering actual hair was in the plug hole!.It started lookin really silly,while not completely bald it was so out of place with the rest of my hair.A couple of nights ago I had to shave my hair off and i dont mind admiting I just cried the whole time.Now i wont let anyone see me!.Ive had shaved hair before but at that time though i choose it,this time its forced upon me thats whats so hard to take.I dont even know if i look ok or not.I mean its not that i was gorgous before or anything but i just hate it now and i feel really sensitive about it.

I know its not normal balding coz its only in one place,im 23 and everyone over 60 in my family has a full head of bushy hair.Im too scared to research what it could be and im feeling to fragile at the moment to find out its permanent or something!!!.I know truama can cause grey hair and i did have a quite trumatic experience just a wee while ago but that was after it was thinning and its not grey in that place or anything!.I dont know anything about this but if you know anything or have any good news about this please please share! :(


Well-known member
i believe that it has nothing to do with anxiety at all, most of the time its either genetic, has your dad lost any hair? my dad has a skin problem and loses his hair because of that, also try changing your diet by eating more fibre plus if you do lose alot of hair these days hair inplants are very common and you can even pay for styled wigs that people wouldnt notice was an actual wig! remember that there are people who are probably worse off then you, i know the pressures of trying to look your best these days particularly with young people, everyone has their hair styled these, but try not to let this get you down, also next time your at the shops and your near a hair salon walk in and have a chat with a hairdresser because they may be able to advise you on a hair product that could thicken your hair or preserve it, they are trained so they know about that, or go and see a hair therapist(thats what they're called i think), i used to have excma on my nose so i know what its like to feel anxious about looks and trying to adapt to it


Well-known member
Im almost out of posts already tonight but I really had to say thanks Richey.You really thought of alot of things that i could look into there and I appreciate that alot.I didnt know about the fibre thing and hadnt thought about asking a hairdresser if theres any helpfull products.Its tricky at the moment because ive been stuck in the house for about 3 months now and the only hairdresser i could text is my ex :? (is that the death march i hear playing in the background).Edit-forgot to say also that as quickly as the hair fell out over 2-3 days in the shower it had actually stopped leaving a patch.And its not even at my temple?...i dont know if that rules out normal premature hairloss or not though?.

I know also its just a random patch and some people have it alot worse.Just awfully sensitive about it just now because ive had to shave my head.Im Demi Moore with more stubble!. :cry:


Well-known member
I think hair loss can occur for heaps of reasons but the most often cause is because of genetics or diet. Either that or you may be dyeing/styling your hair too much and it may be stressing the folicles making them prone to break I've also heard that if you recently had a major shock or suffer from anxiety your hair can thin (or go white), but it will grow back soon enough. Also hair loss could be a side-effect of any medications you are taking. You might want to check with your doctor if you are taking anything.


Well-known member
im losing hair too, i think its cause of depression, it started when i was depressed with my SA, maybe a little earlier, when i started to think about what things im doing wrong in my life, and it started to be an obsession (my SA), where you think of it alot...

Hair loss is just a symptom, of many other symptoms that i have. just hope i still have enough hair to get married :)


Well-known member
My brother had something similar a few years ago called "alopecia" i was shaving his head for him one day when i noticed 2 patches of hair missing, he went to the docotor and then to a specialist in Glasgow who gave him some kind of cream but he never bothered to use it and it has slowly grown back.

It may be an idea to see the doctor just incase and then you will know for sure and he will put your mind at rest.


Well-known member
Im doomed in terms of hair loss. All male relatives over 30 are losing hair. I think there is treatment out there now, and im only 20 so im hoping by the time im 30 and start losing it this treatment will be affordable and common place. But if it does happen it wont be the end of the world, as I used to get a number 1 hair cut and it suits me


Well-known member
Thanks guys :) Especially you Chihiro lol

I guess I wont find out what it is untill I manage to see a doctor or hair specialist etc but those things youve all suggested have given me alot of hope and im really gratefull :)

In the meantime I guess I should try get used to my shaved head just incase.Gonna try work up the courage to post a pic maybe eventually.An outside perspective might help...I just feel i dont suit it because I know it wasnt an option at the moment but who knows maybe it doesnt look so odd.You know what its like being a bit paranoid though lol...i just feel like total strangers will know its shaved cause i lost a patch of hair! :roll:

There are worse things though I guess so im sorry for the mini-vanity :oops: