Anger and Anxiety


Well-known member
Do any of you get that really uncomfortable, "I want to disappear right now", feeling when someone is mad or pissy?

My landlord hadn't cashed rent check yet, so I contacted her to ask when she was going to do so, and she snaps back at me, "By next week!"

I felt so queasy, and obviously am never writing her a check again (money orders!!), but started berating myself over it and am trying to calm down...

Do you guys get like this when someone's upset around you or at you? I can't stand it... makes me feel like its all my fault and I should shut up...
Actually no. It's hard to say because people don't often get mad at me (I am scary for some reason - must be all them muscles, aaaah xD :rolleyes:).

But from the times that it happens (actually at this momment I just don't give a **** anymore :D), but back when my anxiety was more severe, I do remember beating myself over it... I just decided that if they want to be mad, let them be mad; I'm not going to feel upset just because they choose to.


Well-known member
Lol, emotional outbursts are funny to me.

Me too. I try to hold it back but often times I laugh out loud at people having emotional arguments. I don't know why, they're anger just humors me somehow. They then focus all their anger on me.


not actually Fiona Apple
Do any of you get that really uncomfortable, "I want to disappear right now", feeling when someone is mad or pissy?

My landlord hadn't cashed rent check yet, so I contacted her to ask when she was going to do so, and she snaps back at me, "By next week!"

I felt so queasy, and obviously am never writing her a check again (money orders!!), but started berating myself over it and am trying to calm down...

Do you guys get like this when someone's upset around you or at you? I can't stand it... makes me feel like its all my fault and I should shut up...

That's one of the biggest things for me. Beside be made to look foolish, it's probably my biggest fear. I'm already super self-critical of myself, and I think one of the reasons I have SA is because I took the approach "Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"and when someone gets mad at me it's the same effect on me. By getting mad, you're removing all doubt to the people around, and tells them all I screwed up and I am foolish. I then get away as fast as I can and go into self-destruct mode.
At times this happens. Have hard time paying attention so mostly I won't remember or hear what was said.

Positive note: I found two magnets.